Potential Question: Hyde Flashcards


Question on Hyde:


Thesis: Stevenson uses the evil character of Hyde to show how Victorian Men wore a sort of mask in order to protect themselves, but did all actually have a darker side to them because ‘man is not truly one but two.’

Jekyll had more ‘spirit’ when being Hyde which could show he might be a better being but society just did not allow or accept of it. Darker side of people. Being Hyde gives Jekyll ‘the sea of liberty’, showing he feels he has some type of freedom as Hyde and can enjoy his desires. Society makes people hide this side. Jekyll blames society for the way Hyde becomes a ‘roaring devil’ because he is so suppressed by being reputable and moral.

Hyde is described ‘like some damned Juggernaut’, simile.

Hyde does not seem like the monster he is by Enfield saying the ‘child was not much the worse’, showing she was screaming but he did not actually seem to hurt her as much as said out to be.
Does not seem like he did it purposefully as she is irrelevant to him as he is on pursuit of his own desires (also Jekyll’s).

At first glance of Enfield, he describes Hyde to have ‘satans signature on his face’ showing his appearance alone makes Enfield set him as a bad person in his head.

Murder of ‘beautiful’ Carew is bizarre as their reasons to be out don’t seem to be to see each-other. Suspects they were both out at the this time of day; night, in order to take part in homosexual acts with other men. The killing of Carew seems like Jekyll wanted him dead for some unknown reason as Hyde is Jekyll’s dark side.
The darker side seems to be Jekyll as he is pleased with himself by not getting caught by the killing. Begins to lose control of Hyde and he takes control, turning in public. (park bench).

Jekyll makes a statement to Utterson that Hyde is ‘pure evil’, at the end of the novella, which shows the even Jekyll recognises what a danger Hyde is becoming and that he has created him with no other purpose but to do bad things.

Hyde lives in Soho which reflects his social status as a lower class and more unrepeatable person. Shows how Stevenson used the geography of London to show the different classes and characters.

Temptation of Lanyon. Shows how Jekyll becomes overpowered by Hydes bad actions causing him to show Lanyon his transformation even though he knows it cause him damage. It also could show how Jekyll wants to prove to Lanyon he has created a life changing potion. Lanyon also becomes tempted as he wants to know what ‘unscientific balderdash’ Jekyll has devoted himself to.

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