Science Flashcards



What is an 1) iris 2) cornea 3) lens 4) pupil 5) retina 6) optic nerve 7) ciliary muscle


1) the iris is the coloured part at the front of the eye. It’s function is to expand or contract to control the amount of light entering the eye
2) the cornea is the transparent section of the eye. The function of the cornea is to allow light to pass into the eye
3) the lens is a flexible structure. It changes shape depending on whatever we are looking at a near or a far object. The function of the lens is to focus light on the rentina.
4) the pupil is the black circle in the middle of the iris. It’s function is to allow light to enter the eye. the pupil changes size due to changes in the iris.
5) the rentina is sensitive layer at the back of the eye. The function of the rentina is to absorb light and to allow us to see.
6) the optic nerve carries messages from the eye to the brain. It provides the link between the eye and the central nervous system.
7) the ciliary muscle surrounds the lens. The ciliary muscle contracts or relaxes to cause the lens to change shape.

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