Socio Political - Soumya Flashcards




Kautilya, manu - human nature bad - anarchy is matsya nyaya, hobbes (bad coercive authority is better than chaos in their absence) - Iraq after saddam, syria, global warming, drug cartels, terrorism, naxalism in india

Dickinson - absence of law not order

Gandhi - ulti aim of life is swaraj and state doesnt help in that

State divides humanity - no intl peace

Robert paul wolf - state is opposite to indi autonomy - commands duty

Willim godwin - man has no duties towards anyone

Proudhan - liberty is the mother of order

Enlightened anarchy of gandhi -
>man is moral when he acts freely and voluntarily
> indi has a soul but state is a soulless machine
> ideal society = self sufficient, self regulating villages joined as voluntary federation
> Only opposed to absolute sovty if state and oppressive state not state itself
> NON VIOLENT DEMO STATE where social life is self regulated
> demo doesnt lie in the number of people who vote but to the extent in which masses imbibe spirit of non violence and service in society

CONCLUSION : Solution to tyranny is in better political models like demo socialism as in scandinavian

NOAM CHOMSKY - auth needs to prove legitimacy

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3 laws govern dialectic materialism - unity of opposites, negation, quantitative change to qualitative
Devt of society is devt of modes of pdcn
Super structure = idealogy, culture, religion, constitution, legal system, state
Criti of eco determinism - deterministic, non eco sources of pwr (varna), not all events eco(partition), history as a testament
Amartya sen - relevance of economic determinism eg ww2, indo c 1962, trade wars based on eco factors
Surplus value = for pvt prop
Criti - mn roy, max weber (only social & poli slogan)
‘History of hitherto existing society is history of class struggle’
Class dvsn bcs of property division
Class in itself(based on origin, objve), for itself(based on class consc, subjve)

Why class consc arises - surplus v, conc of industries @ places, pauperization, crisis of capm (under and over pdcn)

Capm will collapse under the burden of its own contradictions
Criti - middle class ignored, main element of society is coop, natlsm more influential (now also), globalsn - new class reln emerged devod and devpng so class struggle irrelevant

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Marx - 2


Revln = Overthrowing old mode of pdcn to est new
Why force - capst exploit and earn, interests antagonistic, law of dial mat - after limit revln bound to but cap class artificially stops it hence force
Criti - new probs (reign of terror in french revln), gandhi - revlnry short lived, if used once used in later stages eg China USSR
Incremental better
= transition phase b/w capm and c..
Is REAL demo
From each ability to each work
Criti - dictator, mn roy - led to dic of over proletariat
Concsn- no but demand for equality acceptable
Commu society
Perm bcs no contradiction, state class instru - bcs classless stateless, no marriage family
Criti - utopia, history testament
Class instru by origin(to protect ruling class from ruled clas), nature(coercive insti like jail police bureau), function (pvt prop)
DoP also state but better bcs majority class
Criti - only -ve side of state, utipian
Opium, prevents revln, false consc,
Criti - one sided, values imp
Bourgeois concept, false consc, tries to unite classes = weakens struggle, status quo maintains
Criti - for unity & integration, instability if not

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Marx - 3


Original nature - coopve, creative, sense of aesthetics but capm makes selfish, non creative
Cause - pvt, over specialisation
Effects- Work becomes burden, vch shud be expression of creativity and contribution to society, voluntrily
Marcuse 1D man
Criti - utopian
Imp as it exists in modified form now - humanitarian aspect of marxism
Anarchy vs marxism
No state bcs auth vs class instru
Class coop vs
Can support reli vs opposes
Can pvt vs
Can violence vs supports
Marriage fam ok vs no
Criti - socialist govts not much success bcs leaders not ready to part ways, govt monopoly of media, mono over industries and licensing red tapism, eastern europe 1980s sm collapse, commu china shifted to market socialism, rather than withering away of state collapse of state and return to liberalism observed
Dependency theory - 20th century devpng nations fighting colonialism and neocolonialism
Signi - liberating force for oppressed bolshevik revolution 1917 Communist revolution 1949, prescribing to social systems ensured peoples needs are fulfilled, humanists, real message relevant distortion injurious

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Marx - 4


Capitalism characterised by a necessity as opposed to freedom
Only a programme of socialist revolution would accomplish humanities leap from kingdom of necessity that to the kingdom of freedom

Stalinism, maoism emerged - authoritarian socialisms (negve of marxism)

Marxism and socm similarities - against capm, collective ownership, SJ, workers rights, reject exploitation

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Evolutionary Socialism


Lenin define socialism as dictatorship of proletariat

Fabian - sydney webb, bernard shaw, ricardian law of rent, not rely totally on working class - permeate middle class, not intdc socialism in one go
How - land and social capital emancipate, disseminate s ideas, uni edu
German social demo - diff method of orgnzng workinhg class into poli party for uni suffrage
Revisionism - working class became less intense, middle class expanded, large areas of industry in small scale pdcn, changes can with demo
Syndicalism - labor unions and cells as the future socialism, class struggle theory, abolition of political state, industrial action as a means to bring change
Guild socialism - functional (parli, doctors etc repre) and industrial democracy (workers parti)

Criti - skewed impact (Scandinavian vs India), multiple varieties no coherent, reject many tenets of Marxism without alternative, not all based on working class(Fabien on middle class - redistribution to all not just working class), legitimisation of Bourgeoisie state(Accom w/i capm)
Signi - effective to mitigate rigours of capm - Better than crude capm, live demo, reel enough reflects in the fulfilment of aspirations of common man, as reflected in evolutionary socialism (even China adopted market socialism), Laski Nehru DS, market socialism

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Democratic socialism


Socialist goals using democratic means
Tenets - reformative change, non-violent means, class Coopn, state essential role, supports nationalism, no dictatorship of P, poli power, not a reflection of economic, secularism

Essential means under state, moral, intellectual, emotional needs along with material, freedom of thought and expression, free competition, RH Tawney socialistic, values of liberty and equality, are not means rather are ends to achieve a fellowship and a sense of community

Criti - liberals : it’s a kind of collectivism so against freedom of indi, state controlled economy and s-e planning is inefficient, Marxists : it’s a kind of revisionism no originality + self contradictory ( socialist calls with liberal institutions, liberal = class) + capitalism cannot be reformed needs to be abolished.

Better than Marxism because dictatorship,one-party rule cuz poli lib like freedom to vote, contest, form political associations, become meaningless in dictatorship. Small group grab power = worse form of inequality. breeds totalitarian tendencies and kills ideals of socialism VS DS makes room for demo rights, civic liberties as well as SEP rights , which serve as ideal scheme of justice

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Socialism vs comm


Equal share of profit and prop vs absence
Extreme form of soc
Eco sys in various poli vs poli sys
Ability, contrib vs ability, needs
Indi freedom vs commu
Reli freedom vs no religion
Public pvt prop vs no pvt prop
Can be suited to natl needs vs universal
Reformist vs radical
Peaceful means vs violent means

Lenin soc is a step towards com

Socialism is like a hat that changes shape bcs everybody wears it

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Indian socm


AND - marx + gandhi + anti imperialist, material + spiritual, new life movt - indian masses not in uniform category + all cat must coop against imperialism, human freedom moral concept realisable only in eco =y
JPN - humanist + marx, lokasangraha, lokniti & lokshakti, partyless demo for sarvodaya, revln in both sub and super structure

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Socialism and nationalism


Marx - false conscn
Lenin hoped Russian revln wud herald intl socialist revln
Stalin - in one country
Today socialist states enjoy full sovty china

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Socialism and demo


Champions of true demo
Reject lib demo
Marx - capm cant be reformed w/ demo
Milton friedman - soc society cant protect indi freedoms + all eco systems are not compatible w/ all poli systems (capm w/ demo only) + in capm eco dispersed poli concentrated in soc eco poli combined = conc of power & loss of poli freedom
Criti - assumed indi are ultimate contracting parties but really big firms = indi freedom?
DS - laski, rh tawney, jln

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CDM - as protest against unjust policy or draw attention to poli reform ; combined ahimsa + satyagraha for CD; only after persuasion & petition failed; in full public view; true objve - change heart of auth; not by any section against public interest
Laski - conscientious objectors ww1
A division of labour in evitable but class division of society not related to it - 1 type of labour regarded inferior(phy), bread labour compulsory for all, vision of a classless society
Uplift, rise, awakening of all , only few endowed with knowledge Power vs large no. languishing, Ruskins unto this last, spl concern for welfare of the down trodden - talisman, rejects utilitarian - it define good or happiness as balance of pleasure over pain - confined to phy, no scope for moral and spiritual
But mill focused on qualitative differences in pleasures - higher faculties pleasure is superior to mere sensuous pleasure but still no spiritual welfare was concerned
Vs socialism
not merely material but spiritual welfare as well, no support violent revolution or demo propaganda but relies on moral transformation. Change of heart. trustees. no class conflict. moral balance in society between rich and poor.
Socialism maximise production by making labour compulsory and take development vs bread labour to overcome scarcity. Simple tech no universalisation of labour but minimisation of needs
no consumption curbs vs desires must be curbed

Paying equal importance to everyone in society. This calls for redefining the essence of demo procedural and substantive demo nonviolence. Hence is also different from welfare state where the rich are taxed to provide common social services, but in sarvodaya equal dignity to poor and rich instead of heavy taxation, they must offer their surplus wealth willingly

Morality over politics, western civilisation, consumerism, moral decline, model a generation renunciation, conscience duties, Gandhi want greedy person causes harm to nature (SD)

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Foeticide - reli, social, tech, economic, culture
General effects - RBVPT : R(ratio)B(bare brances) V(violence) P(polyandry) T(trafficking)
Ethcial - RMKIC (rights, morals & ideals, kant, innocent punished, consti 21)

PCPNDT 2004, medical ethics, csr reducing

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Women Land rights


Sdg5, beijing summit - feminisation of poverty bcs dept on men economically

Why prop rights - asset accumulation = presence in other spheres, bargaining power and social agency (decision makers, perception change), economic independence (save 35% more), self confidence, better children, business, DV, change from agri

Mitakshara ❌, dayabhaga ✅
Streedhan right
Indian inheritance act, 1925 - Christian woman rights
HSA 1956 - 2005 equal inheritance rights
FRA 2006 equal to woman
Awas yojana - in womans name
stamp duty less for the lands regd in name of women in HP, UP etc

Invisiblization, wage gap, lfpr, motherhood penalty, unintended, consequences of maternity benefit 2017, workplace safety, Kamala Devi - Domestic and social parasite, living on husband
3 : Power to(control her life) with ( state, market), within
COVID women leaders efficient
UK spl envoy- women in conflict resolution studies
Esther dufflo - female police participation
Women Poli parti and crime in india report - report more, record more

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Gender sex


Gender is sex after socialisation
Artificial ineq vs natural
Discriminate :
Biological (male dominance, even animals), psychological (rational), historical (women were suppressed, because there was a utility), human nature (wants to dominate, woman wants to be dominated)
Against :
Humans can’t copy animals , slavery was justified in history, anthropologist - differentiation not prominent in some groups as others
Simon - child no opp to explore its essence (existence prior to essence), domestic work and rearing no time to groom personality, personal relations than personal success, shy submissive, colours, not second sex but secondary sex as objects not subjects

To tackle collective reflection and decision making - Beijing programme of action 1992, positive self image, bargaining power, critical thinking, social change via group action Kudumbashree Seva Women movements for citizenship

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Social movement to remove discrimination in terms of rights, opp, poli power
Liberal - mary wollstonecraft, js mill (equal property laws) - equally rational , civil Polly rights
Radical - patriarch is cause, radical reordering to end male supremacy, end heterosexual families, simon - dependent and derivative status of w, bretty friedena, smith firestone - subordinated due to their reproductive biology
Socialist - sheila rowbentham : class exploitation and woman’s exploitation closely linked, capm uneven balance of…personal is political… gendered division of work… pvt prop women no have, so soc : women’s domestic work needs recognition, production not in dollars but in social worth, Romania Bulgaria large no woman in Tech, oecd- 6/10 countries with highest number of women Doctors were socialist at one point of time in history.
Criti - relied excessively on psychological than materialistic




Legal - violation, normative - deviant behaviour
Biol (genetic) - caeser lombroso
Psych - freud
frustrating social condn - marx
Why ‘crime’ - harms society, safety, solidarity, evolution (pollution), not own initiative but misguidance, societal condns lead one
Plato - punishment brings wisdom. It is the healing of wickedness
Emerson - crime and punishment grow out of the same stem
Stigma , associated denial of benefit so that indi feel deprived

Retributive kant(re-store) hegel ( criminal rejects victim rights so status quo), Bradley ; eye for an eye (lextalions of hammurabi), social solidarity (Emily Durkheim - violation of collective conscience of society, redraws line what is permissible), repatriation (offender should contribute back)
SC in dhananjay chatterjee case - punishment is societies cry for restoration of justice
Aquinas - taking something minor in emergency is not robbery

If retributive theory divorced itself from social logical circumstances, it fails to fulfil justice
Retribution is not revenge, which is disproportionate

Deterrence - individual and General - loss of liberty, financial loss, stigma ; mughals, medieval England, present Saudi ; advocates of capital punishment ; assumes rational decision
Certainty more effective than severity

Preventive - Men are not hanged for stealing horses, but so that horses are not stolen ; capital punishment; proportionality

Reformative - not for revenge, but to listen crime and reform criminal , eye, for an eye will make the whole world blind , hate the sin not sinner, better build school for The boy than cells for the man (Eliza Cook) ; Kautilya ; works well with women, children and conflict sex psychopaths
Jacob George case - Aim of punishment is reformative, preventive retributive and compensatory. Choosing one over another is not a sound idea.




Montesquieu - power checks power to reduce corruption
Aristotle - power and virtue cannot coexist
Coercive ; collusive (at higher levels) - nexus, judicial corruption
At 3 : business, bureaucracy, politics

Social and poli - authoritarian (Zimbabwe under Robert Magube), inefficient pubad (red tapism), excessive License, nexus ( chaebols in SK), kleptocracy (prezi suhatro in indonesia), one party system (china), demo deters, media civil society as gatekeepers, information asymmetry, unequal distribution of power and resources, lack of transparency

As ethical issue - moral weakness in individual institution and society, personal greed, lack of Moral leadership, weak ethical governance and rule of law, inadequate accountability (unethical behaviour, no consequences), institutionalised corruption (FIFA corruption scandal - officials), societal norms, and acceptance of corruption

Hence, solution should be both ethical and systematic
Consequence - economic inequalities security of the state money power during elections threat to political liberty, effect and administration demoralising effect on honest officers against equality, freedom, kant, moral ideal of honesty, betrayal of public trust, integrity, bandwagon effect undermining rule of law impact on future generations, weakened institutions, improved eco growth, increased crime, ineffective policy

Curb - moral values, awareness, simplification, effective mechanisms, decentralisation, strict laws, anticorruption commission (Singapore, Uganda, Hong Kong), ethical leadership (zero tolerance policy), international, technology (CAG - AI), cso and media is gatekeepers, strengthen institution and loss


Capital punishment


For : retribution upholds CP on moral grounds, deterrent, rights of victims, heinous crimes and hardened criminals, Kant - if no CP justice system collaborator to crime
Against : state didnt give life, state violence bad msg to society, william lilly - Cp not deterrent (scandinavian less crime), poorest (lawyers), albert camus - depends on evidence, deprivations, reformation & psychological care, not a single choice - arbitrariness at every stage, marx - criminality rooted in inequalities

Studies - US Cp most to poor afros

Conclsn - psychologists - effects of punishment short lived + resistance built + positive reinforcement needed, sociologists - effective measures to handle conflict - reason for crime




Richard dworkin - promotes human dignity, sov virtue
Bridges peak and valley (RH TAWNEY)

All theories of justice are th of eq

TOCQUEVILLE - eq makes demo life possible. In demo ppl ki eq > lib. Tocqueville abs eq is good books to less capable ordinary books to capable

LASKI - process of equalising by…absence of privileges &…eq opp to all

Reli - advaita

Tradl societies - hierarchy
PLATO - ineq natural bcs diff capabilities and potential
ARISTOTLE - uneq uneq, legal eq (isonomia!) only to male citizens , diffl punishment, manusmriti, bt and jain against caste, hobbes all men eq and have same desires and seek pleasure, kant categorical imperative, tocqueville with time eq broadened now both formal substantive

—— foundational ——
Reli - all created eq by god. Fatherhood of god and brotherhood of men
Stoics - human nature
Natural rights theorists - eq ability of all men to understand rts and duties
Utilitarians - eq capacity to understand pleasure pain
Kant, Bernard William - eq moral worth & capability
RH tawney - common humanity that unites us

Amartya sen ‘why eq and eq of what?’ - to be fair and just, self respect of indi, duty of self re to others, foster fraternity

——natural ineq——
Unlike lib eq not embedded in nature
Plato aristotle ineq natural, act of god
For lib not to… into licence eq needed
Stoics natural ineq based on reason
Hobbes against natural ineq, eq in state of nature
Rousseau in ‘discourse on origin and foundation of ineq’ natural ineq and conventional ineq, pursuit of eq not to remove natural ineq, relevance - with tech and science ineq coming into alterable sphere
Michael walzer - eq is a relative concept (contextual)
Uniformity valid in formal eq - fair procedure, law, first come first served
Discri needed for subst eq - diff queues for.., in distributive sphere (else disincentive and disregard for talent, skill, effort, inno eg eq marks to all children despite..)
Jfk no eq talents but shud get eq opp to devp ourselves
Hume - abs eq wud impoverish art culture society


Eq - 1


Ratl gnd of discri
- spl provisions in case of need for both liabilities and concessions : progressive taxation, welfare schemes, merit scholarships, public funds to famine etc affected pop, reservation
- spl rewards for excellence : Hume quote ‘philo of poverty’
Distributive (eq of what)
Amartya sen - of welfare, of resources, of capabilities
Marxist of opp AND outcome
Positive lib - Laski, TH green +ve discri
Utilitarians - distri in such a way that
——of opp——
Jfk quote, tenet of egalitarianism, to extend eq rts no need of justification needed when discri is sought, of outcome is goal of hardcore egns but that breeds injustice compromises talent…so of opp better, same starting pt so seeks to reduce s c e backgnds, in competitive(race, market society, meritocracy) and non (eq access to essential - egn society), addl steps for disadv
——affirmative a—-
Against : Only of opp otherwise merit auth against progress stability, harms procedural justice (rich disadv grab - creamy), present gen not resp, harms dignity self respect
Formal - l,p
Substantive - se
Legal - manu, aristotle vs rousseau eq rts to all as primary character of society in social contract
Relevance - doesnt guarantee justice (downtrodden w/o free aid no use), if one party extremely wealthy - disparities rise, judges elite (function as per own social philosophy), rich hire better lawyers

Imp but inadeq
Poli - to be represented on eq footing in decn making bodies. Man ratl can make poli judgments. Caused public will to prevail & public policy wud adjust as per common good
Tenets - 1m1vote, no one barred public office, no priv class to rule, freedom to poli opinions, form asscns

Initially Legal and poli eq intertwined (french revln) took diff routes
Poli eq led to demo vch led to se eq


Eq - 2


Threat to poli eq - pwr w/ bureaucracy, army, police over vch common men dont have dact control ; bcms ornamental due to se disparities so dont use poli intellect (freebies)

——s e eq——
Subst interpretation, goal of socm, otherwise l and p eq serve wealthier and defeat eq concept, rt to eq satisfaction of basic needs = state provision of basic needs + essential social servcie
Lp vs se
Formal vs subst
Supported by…
Middle class and merchants vs working class
To replace feud with capm vs to promote socm to rectify capm ills
Basis for eq repre vs reduction of ineq
Welfare state safeguards lib + basic needs - thru progressive taxation
Marxian way for se is by wholesale replacement of capm, socialisation of major means, making work compulsory for all
Vs lib theory se w/i capm
—- simple and complex—-
Just distri of same good to diff (income, wealth, power) vs diff good to diff (MICHAEL WALZER)

S : To avoid dominance over any good that deprives others of their fair share (diffl rewards must be due to real diff, none below min std of living, range of ineq not so great to cause class divisions)
C : social prestige, poli office, love - ones preeminence in one sphere may be offset by anothers inkoka spherr - SOCIAL PLURALISM model
But no reliable method to compare non eco factors like reputation edu etc w/ income and wealth
so walzer - distri social goods acc to RIGHT REASON in each sphere eg politics not with money, office with nepotism( love), love with profit loss, FAMILY ORGZN SHUDNT BE ORGZD as per male domination vch belongs to mili orgzn
Conclsn - w’s philo strong moral philo, but not equally strong poli philo




Protect indi from auth + auth to ensure full lib
Opposes Restraints + reasonable restraints
Neg - free from posi - free to
Idealistic - liberty in obedience to state
Anarchists - moral autonomy
Reli - from samsara kaivalya etc
—as quality of humans : engels—
Unlike animals (survival of fittest) humans capable
Has an aim in life - created complex insti for it vs ani slaves of nature
Engels : necessity (laws of nature) vs freedom (control over us and external) = know of sci applied to benefit man = capacity to gain sci know is source of freedom
—-as condition—-
No restraint, poli = ext philo = int and ext, demand bcs human ratl knows best for him and society shud be able to achieve it
Absence of freed = slavery
Stoics - slave cud be as free as emperor same argument by capm worker
—— lib licence - thief, social order, ones lib is others constraint—
—— lib and auth - locke and mill state shud be ltd so that lib——

—— civil lib ——
Barker - phy, intellectual, practical (contract - exploited by stronger party)

JS MILL - impce of freedom for indi and society - advancement of know flourishes in atmos of free discussion - for wise social policy shud be able to criticise and put unpopular opinion - silencing is robbing human race posterity and existing generation

—-poli lib—-
LASKI - poli lib = freedom to be active in state of affairs of state, as a citi
To elect, to be elected, to vote, to criticise
2 condns - edu, free media

—eco lib—-
RH TAWNEY - in eco sphere conflict of lib and eq. Unless social policy geared to safeguard interests of VU lib devoid of substance, eco lib logical conclusion in SJ

Negative - adam, bentham, herbert spencer
State, capm, laissez faire, indi interests they know best, law binds and forces so interferes, against eq
Non intervention promotes social interest, lib is seen as freedom to trade enterprise contract compete, state to protect prop and prevent onslaught, bentham - state be quiet and necessary evil
Criti - free to choose but no assurance of its fulfilment, collision of idhari freedom = anarchy, ineq due to laissez, logical outcome anarchy, locke law enhances liberty, non inter = licence

Positive - js, tm green, laski - miserable condns of workers, th green - lib is not being left alone but having pwr to make best out of oneself, welfare state, law creates suitable condns (demo), law is expression of public opinion, sen capability
Criti - state role ^, marx state is class i, gandhi state - dependce, hayek - welfare state scarcity of resources
JS MILL ‘On liberty’ intdcd positive lib - of thought (moral worth, sci adv) and action (self regarding, other regarding) , man is sovereign over his body mind and soul
Criti - barker - mill is the profit of MT liberty and abstract individual (glorified but didn’t protect liberty from encroachment, abstract, bcs self regarding also indirectly affect others), unltd freedom of speech may lead to threats like caste communal tension violence, no clear philo of right (w/o rt lib no meaning)
Signi - defence of fre, FoSE now, welfare state
Last champion of negative liberty first spokesperson of positive liberty


Lib - 2


Isaiah berlin - 2 concepts : no restraint in attaining his goal(-), treating individual as own Master(+) - both freedom from, 🦅 🐳
Criti - moral and material sphere confusion, coercion by other indi which state intervention would be justified by his stds, no effective freedom, natural and se limi no distinguish
His concept of positive liberty doesn’t correspond to positive liberalism
Better distinguish- state role in both

Charles taylor - no dichotomy free to and from

Hayek - indi free is not poli frdm / inner frdm / frdm as power - preserve original meaning - cardinal value of lib not be exploited by collectivism - if frdm as pwr no end to legve measures to extend choice of ppl - such enabling activities not frdm - minmzn of coercive pwrs as market cant provide for all needs - prmote compe, non coercive service - min income but not instru of distri justice - natural ineq & authoritarian suppression - attempt to create material eq involves coercion

Friedman - capm/ free market society necessary condn to frdm, fellow men ❌, govt only to handle those market cant
Criti - macpherson - fails to diff simple exchnge economy and capitalistic economy + capm lo labour exists without capital so no choice + man needs creative freedom vch capm obstructs
Nozick - anarchy state utopia
Like locke, rights in state of nature , hire protective asscns for property holdings - dominant asscn wud bcum state, acqui/ transfer of prop w/o force is just - rights are pdcts of voluntary exchanges - state for ltd functions no redistri - ineq at pdcn no correct at..

Hegel - indi frdm lies in accepting dictates of ideal state

Marxist - ethical basis of socm & humanistic foundns of frdm, capm dehumanizing, alienation, soct revln to usher frdm bcs society is means for fuller frdm
Marcuse 1D man - rejected soviet marxism as distorted - capm monopolistic control on pdcn distri media - manipulates desire and demand - ideal demo where work is play

Freedom as devt - macpherson(doer creator, devp human capacities), sen ( criti - identification of capabilities rooted in cultural bias)



  • inquiry into moral basis of allocation of benefits and burdens in society (authoritarian - allocation as per dictates, competitive - as per market, communist - as per need)
  • giving indi due
  • LoK, dharma
  • plato : dutifulness, justice at two levels (indi - dominance of corresponding trait, society- each class doing their duty), 3 principles of functional splzn & non interf & harmony
    » karl popper (totalitar), sanctions discr, destruction of liberty, arbitrary
  • kautilya : theories of justice change S&T
  • aristotle : retributive (absolute), distributive (proportional)
    » status quoist, increases ineq bcs favoured rich

Justice - 1


Modern view——

  1. Legal
    - barker : auth gives validity to law, justice gives it value vs alf ross : justice acc to law
    - positive law (by community), natural law
    - if law does not reflect the changing social values, it will turn out to be a dead weight on wheels of social progress
  2. Political justice
    - Kirchheimer : it is a search for an ideal in vch all members will interact w/ body politic to assume its highest perfection
    - RoL, consti govt, demo insti
    - grants full lib and rights
    - universal availability of mechanism for resolving conflicting claims
  3. S-E justice
    - same goal as human devt
    - reordering society in such a way that material and moral benefits are not cornered by a tiny class
    - no other justice w/o eco justice

— procedural vs substantive —
Proce : norman barry analogy of race, spencer applies darwinism to human relns (supporting weak is depriving capable), hayek sj mirage & market not an instru for..,


Retributive justice as per david miller (find guilty with proper procedure, uniformly imposed, proportional)

Distri justice principles (d miller) : protection of acknowledged righrs (hume), distri acc to desert (spencer), to need (kropotkin)
Solution - 2+3


Liberal on justice

  • justice is first virtue if a good society
  • against allocation theories vch ignore moral worth of indi
  • against utili (you cannot compensate for the sufferings of distress by enhancing the joys of prosperous)

— rawl —
- liberal, distributive, procedural
- committed to eq (departure allowd only if..)
- justice as fairness (if we find just rules, outcome bound to be just)
- problem of justice : distr of 1• goods
- maximin rule
- concsln : justice is not an ethic of reward but an ethic of redress
- criticism : marxist, libertarians, communitarians, feminists, sen, nozick, collectivists (justifies capitalism)