Topic 3- Signals and Perception Flashcards


Distinguish between sensation and perception.


What the sensory system detects is not interpreted in only one way to give us a perception.

Sensation is input about the physical world obtained by our sensory receptors, and perception is the process by which the brain selects, organises, and interprets these sensations.

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How does perception occur from sensory signals?


Sensory signals are the first part of the process- this could be light waves falling on the retina or sound waves hitting the ear. These signals must be received by specific receptors and converted into nerve impulses to travel through the nervous system.

From the receptors, that signal reaches the brain. For hearing and vision its a very direct pathway- there is a nerve travelling from the back of the ear or eye directly into the brain through one of our cranial nerves.

For some of our other senses, e.g. touch, most signals will reach the brain through the spinal cord.

Signals in the brain are:

Combined with previous experience and attention (so bottom up and top down information). Top down information is our prior knowledge and experiences of the world and bottom up is the information from the sensory stimulus.

The brain combines our prior knowledge, attention and sensory inputs to create a percept- an idea of what something is.

The percept is then used in our perceptual understanding of the environment around us and used to determine an appropriate behavioural response. Sometimes we make different responses based off of our perceptual understanding.

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Explain the characteristics of auditory waves.


Sound is a form of longitudinal wave in air created by the vibration of objects. Wave properties can therefore be used to understand sound:

Sound waves have amplitude – the size of the fluctuations indicates this. Greater amplitude is generally associated with a louder sound.

Sound waves have a frequency– the time over which the cycle repeats indicates the frequency with quicker repeats giving a higher frequency.

Humans can here sounds from 0-140 dB.

Humans can here sounds from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz.

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Explain the structure of the ear.


The structure of the ear is highly specialised to support our sense of hearing:

It can be divided into outer, middle, and inner.

The outer ear consists of the part we can easily see and touch: pinna, auricle, external auditory canal.

The tympanic membrane separates the outer ear from the air-filled middle ear cavity/chamber which contains three tiny bones called the ossicles- they are the malleus, incus and stapes. They move in a lever type action to transmit information from the ear drum to the inner ear/cochlea.

The stapes contacts the entrance to the cochlea, which is where the auditory hair cells are, and so sound waves have to get all the way into the inner ear before they can be sensed. There are inner hair cells, which are the main cells involved in detecting auditory stimuli, and there is a set of cells called the outer hair cells which have a role in amplifying signals.

From the back of the cochlea you can see the cochlear nerve and the vestibular nerve which combine at one point to form one of the cranial nerves carrying information into the brain.

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What are the functions of the outer ear?


The outer ear:

Funnels sound inwards

Amplifies the sound by acting as a tube (providing a tube resonator) for it to echo in

Helps us to localise sounds. Because we can’t move our outer ear, this is limited to vertical localisation in humans but can be across other planes in other animals.

Protection: Ear wax is water-resistant and has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. The whole environment is acidic, which prevents the growth of bacteria, and the location and direction of the hairs prevent insects and other things from getting in and move debris out.

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What are the functions of the middle ear?


Protection: the middle ear reflex responds to very loud noises and can lock the three little bones in a particular position to prevent them transferring information from the eardrum to the cochlea to protect the cochlea.

Acoustic impedance matching: The inner ear/cochlea is filled with fluid, whereas the middle earis filled with air. Due to this, a lot of information would be lost at the point of the middle ear becoming the inner ear as sound waves are unable to travel effectively through fluid. The middle ear amplifies the pressure applied to the inner ear to counteract the loss of signal, making sure the sound wave is transmitted effectively.

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Explain the structure of the inner hair cells and how auditory transduction occurs within them.


Th inner hair cells have hair (stereocylia) of slightly different lengths sticking out of the top of it.

On the left there is a very long stereocylia and they gradually get shorter. The taller one is called the kinocilium and when the hair cells bend in the direction of the kinocilium this generally results in the cells becoming excited and when it bends away it results in the cell being inhibited.

When the cell is at rest, the stereocylia are largely vertical and there are tiny channels on the ends of the stereocylia which are attached to the next channel with a tip link. These channels are shut, so no ions can move into the stereocylia at this point.

The stereocylia are on the apical end of the hair cell, the basal end contains all the other key organelles the cells need.

A post-synaptic neuron that is part of the auditory/cochlear nerve forms a synapse with the hair cell. This neuron expresses AMPA receptors or an ionotropic glutamate receptor.

When the fluid around the stereocylia is moved by the arrival of a sound wave, this causes the stereocylia to move. As they move in the direction of the kinocylium, this physically opens their mechanically gated ion channels by lifting the lid on them. The area surrounding the stereocilia has a very high concentration of potassium, which drives potassium into the cell down it’s concentration and electrostatic gradient. Once the positively charged potassium ions move in, depolarisation occurs which results in the opening of voltage-gated calcium channels. Calcium ions flood in to the hair cell and cause interactions with the vesicles and the snare proteins/docking proteins, resulting in the release of glutamate.

Glutamate is then released into the synapse with the post-synaptic neuron and binds to the AMPA receptors to excite the cell to the point where it can elicit an action potential in the auditory/cochlear nerve. This action potential does not occur in the nerve- the nerve has receptor potential, meaning an electrical change found in a receptor.

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Explain the structure of the inner hair cells and how auditory transduction occurs within them.


Th inner hair cells have hair (stereocylia) of slightly different lengths sticking out of the top of it.

On the left there is a very long stereocylia and they gradually get shorter. The taller one is called the kinocilium and when the hair cells bend in the direction of the kinocilium this generally results in the cells becoming excited and when it bends away it results in the cell being inhibited.

When the cell is at rest, the stereocylia are largely vertical and there are tiny channels on the ends of the stereocylia which are attached to the next channel with a tip link. These channels are shut, so no ions can move into the stereocylia at this point.

The stereocylia are on the apical end of the hair cell, the basal end contains all the other key organelles the cells need.

A post-synaptic neuron that is part of the auditory/cochlear nerve forms a synapse with the hair cell. This neuron expresses AMPA receptors or an ionotropic glutamate receptor.

When the fluid around the stereocylia is moved by the arrival of a sound wave, this causes the stereocylia to move. As they move in the direction of the kinocylium, this physically opens their mechanically gated ion channels by lifting the lid on them. The area surrounding the stereocilia has a very high concentration of potassium, which drives potassium into the cell down it’s concentration and electrostatic gradient. Once the positively charged potassium ions move in, depolarisation occurs which results in the opening of voltage-gated calcium channels. Calcium ions flood in to the hair cell and cause interactions with the vesicles and the snare proteins/docking proteins, resulting in the release of glutamate.

Glutamate is then released into the synapse with the post-synaptic neuron and binds to the AMPA receptors to excite the cell to the point where it can elicit an action potential in the auditory/cochlear nerve. This action potential does not occur in the nerve- the nerve has receptor potential, meaning an electrical change found in a receptor.

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How does auditory information travel from the cochlea to the brain?


Once information has been coded in the cochlea in the form of a receptor potential and then an action potential in the cochlear nerve, it has to travel from the cochlea to the brain.

Information leaves the cochlea and travels to the cochlear nuclear complex in the brain stem. It then continues to stay in the brain stem as it reaches the superior olivary complex. From there, it travels to the midbrain and a structure called the inferior colliculus, and then into a particular area of the thalamus called the medial geniculate nucleus. From there it reaches the primary auditory cortex.

At some point, information has to be combined from both ears and this happens at the level of the superior olivary complex- information from both ears is found in each superior olive and then that information is still there when it travels up to higher structures.

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What key features of a sound wave must the brain be able to deduce in order to understand what’s going on in the environment?


There are 2 things the sensory system needs to do:

It needs to understand what something is and it needs to understand where something is- how far away it is and which direction its coming from.

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Explain frequency coding.


One of the key features of sounds is the frequency of it.

Frequency is coded in two different ways in the auditory system and starts in the cochlea. Once the cochlea has decided a code, that code is kept throughout the pathway auditory information travels down.

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Explain place theory/place coding.


The first is called place code or place theory. This is derived from the layout of the cochlea itself- if you were to unroll the cochlea you would find that hair cells responding to the high-frequency sounds are found at the start of the tube- the end nearest to the middle ear- and those responding to low frequency sounds are found at the end. This is called a tonotopic relationship. The frequencies gradually change and neighbouring hair cells will have similar frequencies to which they respond. That frequency is called the characteristic frequency. From here, each hair cell is connected to a specific axon in the auditory nerve, so if the brain can tell which axon has been activated it can tell which hair cell has been activated and so can tell the approximate frequency because it knows the hair cells are arranged in order of frequency.

This is a very good method for higher frequencies and works from about 1000 hz upwards.

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Explain temporal/rate coding.


The hair cells oscillate the release of neurotransmitter at the same frequency of the sound wave. Every time the sound wave creates movement of the fluid, this creates activation of the hair cells- this is called phase locking.

This method is mainly helpful for the low frequencies that place code can’t do but can code up to 3000 hz. It does this through neurons working together- one neuron will first fire and then the next. This is called the volley principle- it allows multiple hertz cells to release their neurotransmitter and result in multiple axons firing in relation to a specific sound wave.

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Explain intensity coding.


The first way the brain can deduce intensity is from the frequency of firing in the auditory nerve. This is also encoded in two different ways.

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Explain intensity coding through the frequency of firing.


The first way the brain can deduce intensity is from the frequency of firing in the auditory nerve:

Action potentials can’t get bigger but can be produced more often- a more intense sound results in greater movement in the cochlea, bending the stereocilia more. This results in the opening the ion channels for longer and allowing more potassium to enter, thus allowing more calcium in and releasing more neurotransmitter. More neurotransmitter released means greater activation of the post-synaptic cell and more action potentials.

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Explain intensity coding through the number of neurons firing.


The second way in which the brain can deduce intensity is from the number of neurons firing.

Although specific hair cells are activated by a specific frequency, if you have lots of movement in the fluid to do a very intense sound, the neighbouring hair cells will also have some activation and so there will be a greater number of axons activated in the auditory nerve.

Higher intensities cause more movement in the cochlea so the hair cell with the appropriate CF is depolarised but so are some of its neighbours to a lesser extent.

The neighbouring cells also release some glutamate and activate their auditory nerve cell so more cells overall are activated.

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Vertical location is limited in humans as we cannot move our pinna. It is instead informed by the way in which sound waves bounce off of the lumps and bumps of our outer ear. For other species, they move their pinna.

Horizontal location is carried out by the superior olivary complex. It is carried out here as it requires information from both ears and this is the first in which that information is combined.

Unless a sound is directly in front or behind us, there is a difference between the signals received depending on where the sound is coming from. There are two ways in which they differ:

Sound intensity- a sound coming from the right side will be greater at the right ear than the left ear. This creates an inter oral intensity difference which gives you a perception of where the stimulus is coming from.

Speed- Sounds reach the era closest to the source slightly quicker- if the sound is on the right then the signal from the right cochlea will reach the super olivary complex quicker than the signal from the left cochlea. These are called interaural time delays and are informative for us to understand location.

There are also some extra cues- e.g. if we expect something to be very loud but it is very quiet then that indicates it is a long way away e.g. a train.

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What happens to the auditory information we code?


All information we code about frequency, intensity and location is transmitted to the inferior colliculus, the thalamus and the primary auditory complex.

Information from the primary auditory complex passes through a posterior dorsal stream which goes up to the parietal lobe and onwards to a frontal lobe- this processes ‘where’ information. It also passes through an anteroventral stream which goes to the superior temporal region in the temporal lobe and processes ‘what’ information.

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Explain how hearing loss is classified.


Hearing loss can be classified according to where in the auditory system the damage occurs/signal fails to be transmitted.

Any hearing loss that occurs before the sound signal reaches the cochlea- i.e. in the process of conducting the sound wave to the cochlea- is considered conductive hearing loss. This can arise through damage to the outer or inner ear.

When the hearing loss results directly from damage to the cochlea, normally the inner hair cells, that is considered cochlear hearing loss.

Any damage in the auditory pathway from the cochlea onwards is considered retrocochlear hearing loss.

Cochlear and retrocochlear hearing loss are sometimes jointly classified as sensory neural hearing loss.


Explain the different levels of hearing loss.


The extent of hearing loss someone can experience varies and can be classified according to mild, moderate, severe or profound classifications.

Mild hearing loss:

  • may not be noticeable in all environments
  • following speech is difficult especially in a noisy environment.
  • 20-39 dB Hl

Moderate hearing loss:

  • difficulty following speech without hearing aid
  • 40-69 dB Hl

Severe hearing loss:

  • Usually need to lip read or use sign language even with hearing aid
  • 70-89 dB Hl


  • usually need to lip read or use sign language; hearing aid is ineffective
  • 90-120 dB Hl

What is glue ear?


One of the most common types of conductive hearing loss found in children is glue ear. This arises when the eustachian tube, the canal that links the middle ear with the throat, fails to function properly.

Normally this tube ensures that the air within the middle air is most/humid air, however when the tube fails to function properly this results in a build up of fluid in the tube which makes its way into the middle ear.

When fluid arises in the middle ear, it stops the effective transmission of the sound wave from the ear drum onwards to the cochlea.

It typically occurs in one ear and results in a difficulty hearing threshold rather than frequency- e.g. they can’t hear quiet sounds but can distinguish between frequencies.


Explain the impact of glue ear.


Hearing loss

Balance problems (as the vestibular system is located in the same area as the auditory system)

Ear pain (due to a build up of pressure)

Social isolation (inability to communicate effectively with peers)

Behavioural problems (due to lack of sleep or not being able to engage fully with the environment, frustration)

Delayed speech development (as glue ear occurs when children are at primary age and still learning how to talk)

The impact of conductive hearing loss is quite short-lived. Even if a child has repeated bouts of glue ear it tends to clear up at a certain age and other forms of delayed development can typically catch up. This is because the damage to the ear isn’t permanent.


What are some of the risk factors for glue ear?

  • allergies
  • overcrowded housing
  • use of a dummy beyond 11 months
  • immune suppression
  • passive smoking
  • daycare attendance
  • genetics

Explain the treatment approaches for glue ear.


There aren’t very many treatment options. In most cases, glue ear clears up by itself.

  • watch and wait approach (4-6 weeks)
  • treatment of concurrent infection if there is one
  • grommets: a small tube is inserted into the eardrum to help equalise the pressure on both sides of the eardrum by allowing it to drain out. Overtime, the grommet is pushed out by the membrane and the membrane will heal behind it. This treatment isn’t used immediately as it has associated risks: it involves surgery, can be painful for the child and the younger the child is, the harder it is to explain to them. It also results in scarring on the tympanic membrane which can impact how effectively sound information is transmitted across the membrane.

Explain the impact of noise-induced hearing loss.

Employment changes if your hearing is being damaged by your occupation

Explain the impact of noise-induced hearing loss.

Employment changes if your hearing is being damaged by your occupation

Explain how the wavelength of light waves works.


The wavelength of a lightwave determines the colour we perceive.

The shortest wavelength in the visible spectrum is violet which is around 380 nanometers. The longest is red which is around 700 nanometers.


Explain the structure of the eye.


Although the actual process of transduction occurs in the retina, sensation would not be possible if the dioptric apparatus didn’t work.

The dioptric apparatus consists of the cornea (the transparent area on the surface of the eye) and the lens (positioned in the gap between the iris and the pupil).

The cornea is transparent to allow light to pass through it and is also tough, acting as a protective structure. The fibres that make up the cornea are divided and positioned in such a way that the light can pass through without being split up or defracted in anyway but while being refracted (bent). The light then reaches the lens which is also transparent- later on in life if the transparency is lost we get something called cateracts.

The cornea bends the light in slightly and the lens bends it in some more in order to make sure it reaches a focal point in the retina. The majority of refraction takes place at the outer surface of the cornea.


Explain the dioptric apparatus.


Although the actual process of transduction occurs in the retina, sensation would not be possible if the dioptric apparatus didn’t work.

The dioptric apparatus consists of the cornea (the transparent area on the surface of the eye) and the lens (positioned in the gap between the iris and the pupil).

The cornea is transparent to allow light to pass through it and is also tough, acting as a protective structure. The fibres that make up the cornea are divided and positioned in such a way that the light can pass through without being split up or defracted in anyway but while being refracted (bent). The light then reaches the lens which is also transparent- later on in life if the transparency is lost we get something called cateracts.

The cornea bends the light in slightly and the lens bends it in some more in order to make sure it reaches a focal point in the retina. The majority of refraction takes place at the outer surface of the cornea (about 2 thirds of it).


Explain refractive errors.


Refractive errors are one of the most common vision-related problems we experience. This is where light waves are not bent sufficiently or are bent too much, resulting in the focal point of the visual stimulus not being on the retina.

Short-sightedness/myopia: when the light waves are bent too much and reach a focal point in front of the retina rather than on it.

Long sightedness/hyperopia: light waves are bent too little and reach a focal point behind the retina.

These can often be easily treated with glasses which can counteract the incorrect bending of the light.

This can also arise if the shape of the eyeball is different to expected. e.g. if the eyeball is longer than expected, even if the refractive power of the lens and cornea is appropriate, it may still fall short of the retina.


Explain the structure of the retina.


The structure of the retina is quite complex and has multiple layers. The photoreceptors- the cells that transduce the visual signals- are at the very back of the retina so the light passes through several transparent retinal layers before hitting the cells that can turn it into an electrical signal.

Once it is an electrical signal within the photoreceptors, it is passed back towards the front surface of the eyes- the retina in contact with the fluid.


Explain the different types of photoreceptors within the retina.


There are 2 types of photoreceptors within the retina; rods and cones. There are generally far more rods than cones except for in the fovea, a very central region, where there is a much greater density of cones.

Rods are highly sensitive to visual stimuli and so can be activated by very low levels of light. They tend to connect to multiple cells in the next layer (bipolar cells), creating a very sensitive signal but one that lacks spacial acuity because all the cells are converging. This means they are capable of night vision.

Cones require a much higher amount of light in order to be activated but have a one to one mapping with bipolar cells. This means they have great visual acuity.

The bipolar cells carry the signal to the retinal ganglion cells. These cells form the optic nerve and begin to carry information to the brain.


Explain the structure of rods and cones.


Rods are split into 2 segments, an outer one and an inner one. The outer segment contains a series of tiny disks within the cellular membrane (making them intercellular structures). These disks contain a photopigment (meaning sensitive to light) called rhodopsin. Further down in the inner segment are the other organelles typical to animal cells such as the mitochondria. Further down, there is the nucleus and then the synaptic body/region. At this point, the synaptic point, the rod would synapse with the bipolar cell.

There is an outer segment containing a photo-sensitive pigment called opsin. Unlike rods, there are gaps between the segments within the cell. Under the outer segment there is an inner segment containing mitochondria and progressing down to the nucleus. The synaptic contact region is also present.


Explain spectral sensitivities and colour coding.


Rods contain rhodopsin and there is only one type of this photosensitive pigment, meaning it is sensitive to one particular wavelength of light.

The most effective lightwave for simulating a rod has a wavelength in the greyish/green area, around 500 nanometers.

However, there are three different types of cones as there are three slightly different variations of opsin:

  • blue cones: the one responding to the shortest wavelength of about 420 nanometres.
  • the other two are green cones and red cones

The different colours we experience/the different types of light that fall on our visual system will be activating a range of different receptors. The amount of which they activate will depend on the spectral sensitivity of the receptor.

One colour of light activates more than one type of photoreceptor but the one it activates the most will be closest to the wavelength of the incoming signal.


Explain colour blindness.


Colour blindness/ colour deficiency is the decreased ability to see colours and comes in a range of forms of differing severity.

it’s typically an inherited condition carried on the x chromosome, making it more prominent in males as they only have one x chromosome so if they are carrying the deficiency there is nothing to counter it.

The most common form is red-green colourblind.

There is no cure for colour blindness.

One of the reasons colour blindness might arise is because one set of cones is missing.

Another reason might be that the spectral sensitivity of one of the cones has shifted slightly, become so similar to the other that for functional purposes it’s the same as only having 2 cones there.


Explain the transduction of the visual signal.


Irrespective of which photoreceptor is activated and the wavelength of the incoming light signal giving the colour signal, all visual signals are transduced in the same way.

When the visual pigment in the outer segment of the photoreceptor absorbs a photon of light, the specific pigment becomes activated. (either opsin or rhodopsin)

When the photopigment becomes activated, it binds with a particular G protein called transducin which dissociates from its bound to a molecule called GDP and binds to a different molecule called GTP.

The transducin is made up of a few different units, one of which is the alpha one. The alpha subunit separates off from the beta and gamma subunits with the GTP still bound to it. This is an activated form of transducin.

In turn, the activated transducin activates an enzyme called phosphodiesterase or PDE. The PDE goes on to cause a drop in levels of cycling GMP.

The change in the amount of cycling GMP causes a closure of specific channels, resulting in a hyper-polarising receptor potential.

The receptor potential is present in the dark and when light falls on the photoreceptor it becomes hyperpolarised, switching off the release of neurotransmitters.

This process results in some cells being turned on by light and some being turned off by it, which has to do with the receptive field.


Explain the receptive field.


The receptive field of any cell is the area in which a change in sensory stimulus will result in a change in their activity.

Retinal ganglion cells have circular receptive fields which can be recorded from. Recordings and experiments have indicated that for some, when light falls into the middle of the receptive field, the cell is activated, but when light falls in the surrounding area it is turned off or inhibited. Conversely, some cells will be activated by light falling in the surround but not the centre.

This ability to have this on off approach of a receptive field is ideal because it allows the visual system to notice contrast- evolutionarily, it’s far more important to notice a change in the environment than a consistency in the environment. This is the basis of luminance coding.


How is information in the retina transported to the brain?


Information from the retina must be transported to the brain. It leaves the retina via the optic nerve which travels to the optic chiasm, which is effectively like a cross over of the nerves. At this point, information is sorted according to the visual field. Information from the right visual field of both eyes is starting to be processed on the left of the brain and vice versa.

Once it leaves the optic chiasm, sorted by visual field, it travels to the lateral geniculate nucleus which is part of the thalamus. The LGN has six different layers as well as some sub-layers. The six layers receive information from specific cell types and from one eye- either the contralateral or ipsilateral eye. From the LGN information is transferred straight away to the primary visual cortex via the geniculate striate pathway.

To reach the primary visual cortex, information goes through a single part of the thalamus, making the pathway much shorter than that for auditory information which passes through multiple parts of the brainstem.




Visual information leaves the eye and travels towards the lateral geniculate nucleus, at which point it is sent on to the primary visual cortex (V1). This is also referred to as the striate cortex (named after the striped appearance the myelinated fibres give it).

On the visual cortex is a multi-layered structure which consists of 6 layers, the first on the outermost surface of the brain.

Sensory information from the thalamus enters V1 at layer 4 from where there are further divisions.

There is some processing within V1- cells within v1 can process orientation, movement, spatial frequency, retinal disparity and colour.


Explain movement and orientation of cells within V1.


Cells within v1 are capable of being selective due to the characteristics of their receptive fields.

There are 3 main types of cells within v1; simple, complex and hypercomplex.

Simple cells will respond to a specific orientation provided that orientation falls within the centre of the receptive field. E.g. 45 degrees across the middle. The ability to have this bounded approach of an area in the centre which is excited and 2 areas either side which are inhibited is due to the overlay of the centre surround receptive fields.

Complex cells will respond to a specific orientation anywhere it is found within the receptive field for that particular cell. They can increase responses if there is movement and so can act as movement detectors.

Hypercomplex cells can detect a stimulus that starts or stops at a particular place. This ability to identify edges is important in identifying contrast in the environment rather than consistency.


Explain depth perception and retinal disparity.


Cells within v1 are also capable of detecting disparity between the 2 eyes. This information is typically used to help us understand depth and where two things are in the visual field relative to each other.

There are cells within V1 which will be most active when there is a difference in input between the two eyes.

These cues can be deceiving because while it can help us to identify when something actually is disparate between the two eyes, it can also lead to us having incorrect perceptions such as the


Explain other cues for depth perception other than retinal disparity.


Retinal disparity is a complicated depth perception and we have simpler ones that can also be used.

These are referred to as monocular depth cues, meaning they only require input from one eye. They are also processed in V1 as well as other cortical areas. There are several monocular cues including:

  • Linear perspective: how parallel lines converge
  • Height in the field: things closer to the horizon are further away
  • Relative size: Things of known size can give us depth information
  • Motion parallax: Things moving near to us seem to move faster than those further away

Explain visual processing beyond the primary visual cortex


The primary visual cortex is important but it is not the end of the journey for visual information.

Like hearing, these can be divided into dorsal and processing streams:

The ventral stream passes through v1, v2, v4, and on to the inferior temporal cortex. This pathway is the ‘what’ pathway- it is critical for identifying objects.

The dorsal stream passes trough v1, v2 and then onto the dorsomedial area and the medial temporal area and to the posterior parietal cortex. it is responsible for identifying where something is.


Explain how perception of form is developed.


Perception of form begins in V1 with neurons sensitive to orientation and spatial frequency:

From here, information is transmitted to V2 and then the visual association cortices of the ventral stream before the final stop at the inferior temporal cortex.

Colour and form information are combined and a 3D percept formed.

Neurons in the inferior temporal cortex respond to very specific complex shapes rather than simple stimuli. There are specific areas that seem to be associated with specific stimuli:

Fusiform face area- located in temporal lobe, activated by faces more than other stimuli. Damage to this area can result in prosopagnosia (an inability to recognise faces)

Extrastriate body area- located posterior to FFA, responsive to forms of body image (photos and silhouettes included)

Parahippocampal place area- located in hippocampus and surrounding areas, activated by specific scenes and backgrounds


Explain the process of perception of motion.


As with perception of form this can be begin in V1 but the key area is V5 or MT (medial temporal):

Receives input from V1, V2, V3 and V4 and the superior colliculus (midbrain structure with light sensitive neurons).

V5 sends signals to MST (medial superior temporal) which sits adjacent to it. This area reacts to optic flow (i.e. motion as you move through a scene)