This class was created by Brainscape user Annie Caldwell. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (28)

An approach to assessing children
What is a childs weight measured in,
How much weight should a baby gai...,
What are childs feed volumes meas...
44  cards
A childs journey
How old are neonates,
How old are infants,
How old are toddlers
97  cards
Paediatric Cardiology
Examples of diseases acquired in ...,
8 commonest lesions for congenita...,
Most common congenital heart disease
92  cards
What is neonatology,
What do neonatologists deal with,
When does the cvs begin to develop
94  cards
The Yellow Baby
Function of the liver,
What is split bilirubin
62  cards
Abdominal Pain in Children
Presentation of constipation,
Causes of constipation,
What happens if you need to go an...
81  cards
Children development and Children with Special Needs
What is child development,
Parts of development,
What does gdd stand for
24  cards
Paediatric Surgery
Blood volume in children,
Urine output in children,
Insensible fluid loss in children
65  cards
Paediatric Urology
Presentation of urological problems,
What is a inguinal hernia,
Which gender gets inguinal hernia...
33  cards
Paediatric Neurology
When does maximum head growth occur,
What is the young brain very susc...,
What is symbolic play
105  cards
Paediatric Oncology
How common is childrens cancer,
Types of pae malignancy,
Is child cancer biologically diff...
60  cards
Acute Paediatric Care
Differences in a childs airway fr...,
Differences in a childs breathing...,
Differences in respiratory in chi...
10  cards
Feeding Babies
What is the phase of growth in an...,
What is the phase of growth in a ...,
What is the phase of growth of a ...
50  cards
Vomiting and Malabsorption in Childhood
Types of vomiting,
What does bilious vomiting genera...,
What does effortless vomiting gen...
66  cards
Paediatric Respiratory
What are urtis characterised by,
Presentation of urtis,
Who is urtis especially common in
129  cards
Glomerular disease causes what,
Aki causes what,
How much blood is received throug...
118  cards
Children are not Small Adults - Physiological Differences
Physiological differences of chil...,
Who gets ketotic hypoglycaemia,
When does a ketotic hypoglycaemic...
11  cards
Child Protection and NAI
Legislation involved in child pro...,
Types of abuse,
Alarm bells for the presentation ...
11  cards
Paed Infection
Definition of paed sepsis,
Symptoms of paed sepsis,
What is bacteraemia
126  cards
Term Admissions to NNU
Symptoms of sepsis in term neonates,
Risk factors for sepsis in term n...,
Investigations of presumed sepsis
45  cards
Paed Dermatology
What is eczema,
Types of eczema,
Flares of childhood eczema can be...
86  cards
Presentation of down syndrome,
Genetics of down syndrome,
What to look at in the examinatio...
33  cards
Growth and Endocrine
Factors influencing height,
Measurement techniques,
Who is head circumference routine in
104  cards
Paediatric Adolescent Health
How do adolescents differ,
What age is adolescence,
What changes occur in adolescence
9  cards
Paed Rheumatology
What is the commonest chronic rhe...,
What pro inflammatory markers are...,
Criteria for jia
28  cards
Can breast fed infants be affecte...,
Neonates infants response to drug...,
What do neonates infants show inc...
20  cards
The injured child
Which gender is most likely to di...,
What type of trauma is more common,
What injuries do children sustain
32  cards
The Febrile Child
How to test a child 4 weeks olds ...,
How to test a child between 4 wee...,
What are you looking for in the e...
20  cards

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