This class was created by Brainscape user Nahyeon Lee. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

1 lipid classification
What are the classes of lipids wh...,
Name examples for each lipid class,
Name examples for fats and waxes
71  cards
2 FAs and TGs
What s the characteristic that mo...,
What kind of fatty acid is a mono...,
What are some sources of monounsa...
60  cards
3 Fat Forms
How is solid fat content commonly...,
What does dilatometry measure,
How is dilatometry done
45  cards
4 Polymorph Conversion
What are the methods for converti...,
What is interesterification,
Whats the purpose of interesterif...
34  cards
5 FA distribution
What is hydrogenation and what ar...,
What is an iv,
Degree of unsaturation and iv hav...
42  cards
5.5 - Processing of Fats and Oils
What is the first step in the pro...,
What happens as a result of tissu...,
What are the 2 enzymes that catal...
23  cards
6 Autoxidation & Antioxidants
Define autoxidation,
What is rancidity,
What are the 3 steps of autoxidation
48  cards
7 Autoxidation ctd
What is it called when you break ...,
What are the factors that influen...,
What are the possible products of...
58  cards
8 lipids in food
What what tg positions favor shor...,
Tgs are contained within _____ __...,
Milk contains relatively _____ am...
21  cards
9 protein intro
What are proteins,
Whats the term for providing a sp...,
What are some useful properties t...
59  cards
10 protein structure
Primary structure,
What is a peptide bond,
How is a peptide bond formed
21  cards
11 protein classification
Proteins comprised of only 1 type...,
A protein soluble in neutral dist...,
A protein soluble in neutral dilu...
29  cards

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food chem 1

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