This class was created by Brainscape user Jasmine Sappor. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

Vascular System & Stroke - Acute Stroke
Definition of stroke,
Why is stroke important,
Dx of stroke
198  cards
Vascular System & Stroke - Stroke Rehab
Subjective disability,
Subjective well being,
Common psychosocial impacts of il...
171  cards
Vascular System - Acute & Chronic Ischaemia
What is the circulatory system tr...,
What does the circulatory system ...,
General structure of arteries and...
290  cards
Vascular System - Aortic Aneurysm and Dissection
Aneurysm definition,
Features of true aneurysms,
Features of false aneurysms
197  cards
Vascular System - VV, DVT, Leg Ulcers
Thrombus definition,
What are thrombus composed of,
Where can thrombus form
166  cards
Cardiology - Coronary Artery Disease
What does the l coronary artery d...,
What does the lad supply,
What does the circumflex artery s...
348  cards
Cardiology - Valvular Disease
Where are most valve disease found,
What can go wrong with valves,
What is valve disease caused by
327  cards
Cardiology - Arryhthmias
Definition of af,
Epidemiology of af,
Ecg appearance in af
331  cards
Cardiology - Heart Failure and CM
What is heart failure,
What does dx of heart failure rel...,
Classification of heart failure b...
359  cards
Cardiology - Congenital Heart Disease and HTN
When is the cdv system first devoted,
How do primitive blood vessels form,
163  cards
Respiratory - Lung Infections
Specifics for resp hx,
Classification of resp diseases,
Examples of airway diseases
224  cards
Respiratory - Breathlessness: Airflow Obstruction
Overview of mechanical respiration,
What does inhalation and exhalati...,
What kind of things compromise in...
372  cards
Respiratory - Breathlessness: Restrictive Lung Disease
Primary restrictive lung disease,
Secondary restrictive lung disease,
What does restrictive lung diseas...
374  cards
Respiratory - Pleural and Pulmonary Vascular Diseases
The structure of the pleura,
What can result in the accumulati...,
When can we determine pleural flu...
262  cards
Respiratory - Tobacco Smoking and Lung Cancer
When do most people start smoking,
How much more likely are those wh...,
Which groups of people finds it h...
152  cards
Haematology - Anaemia, red cell metabolism and transfusion
Amount of iron in avg man,
What of iron is stored as hb,
What of iron is stored as ferritin
400  cards
Haematology - Coagulation and Bone Marrow in Health and Disease
Where does haemopoiesis occur in ...,
Where does haemapoiesis occur in ...
400  cards
Dermatology - Eczema, Psoriasis and Infection
Main features of eczema,
Physical signs in eczema,
365  cards
Dermatology - Skin Cancer, Acne, Hair and Nails
Classification of neoplasia,
Where do melanocytes arise from,
Mitotic rate of melanocytes
322  cards
Blisters, Pruritus and Rashes due to Systemic Condn
What is erythema nodusum,
What can eryhema nodusum be class...,
Epidemiology of erythema nodusum
275  cards

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mbbs - year 2

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