This class was created by Brainscape user JC TCM. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Abdominal Mass { Ji Ju }
Abdominal masses,
What patterns can cause a ju synd...,
What patterns can cause a ji synd...
19  cards
Abdominal Pain
General red flags,
Red flagacute appendicitis,
Red flagsacute pancreatitis
22  cards
Chest Impediment ( Xiong Bi)
What is chest impediment,
What are the red flags for chest ...,
Main western diseases in the ches...
22  cards
Constipation ( Bian Bi)
What is constipation what are som...,
Etiology constitutional yang exce...,
Etiology qi stagnation how can qi...
8  cards
Atrophy - Flaccidity
General red flags,
6 points western medical diseases,
Etiologyatrophy flaccidity footno...
7  cards
Bleeding disorders
Main location of bleeding disorders,
3 main causes of bleeding,
Etiology of bleeding disorders
11  cards
Common Cold
Western medical diagnosis,
Common points for expelling wind
7  cards
Consumptive Disease
Qualities of consumptive disease ...,
Consumptive disease western medic...,
Consumptive disease etiology of c...
12  cards
Consumptive Thirst
Consumptive thirstwhat are the 2 ...,
What is consumptive thirst accord...,
Consumptive thirst what is hypogl...
19  cards
Convulsive Syndrom
What is convulsive syndrome,
Etiology of convulsive syndrome,
What are the three syndromes of c...
9  cards
What is cough ke sou in tcm,
What are the red flags for a cough,
Cough western disease
13  cards
What is depression and tcm,
What are the red flags for depres...,
Depression name some western medi...
9  cards
Epigastric Pain
Epigastric painwestern medical di...,
Red flagsperforated gastric ulcer,
Red flagsacture pancreatitis foot...
30  cards
Red flags diarrhea 4,
What are some causes of diarrhea ...,
Name 4 common causes of chronic d...
14  cards
Epilepsywhat might it look like f...,
Epilepsy red flags a seizure is a...,
Western medical what are the 2 ba...
19  cards

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bio medicine

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