This class was created by Brainscape user Saine Shah. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

1. Motion, forces and energy (1-8)
D measuring cylinders,
Determine an average value for a ...,
Describe scalar and vector quanti...
36  cards
2. Thermal physics (9-11)
Distinguishing properties of soli...,
Describe the particle structure o...,
What affects the properties of so...
27  cards
3. Waves (12-15)
Waves transfer,
Describe the features of a wave i...,
Equation for wave speed and period
42  cards
4. Electricty (16-21)
Describe the forces between magne...,
Describe induced magnetism,
Properties of temporary magnets a...
38  cards
5. Nuclear physics (22, 23)
Describe the structure of an atom,
Describe how the scattering of al...,
Define the terms proton number at...
20  cards
6. Space physics (24, 25)
Explain observations of the appar...,
Define average orbital speed,
Describe the solar system as cont...
17  cards
ATP- Paper 6
Suggest why it is more accurate w...,
Describe how the student uses the...,
Cylinder inaccuracy source and im...
39  cards
State one advantage and one disad...,
State and explain whether each of...,
State one disadvantage of hydroel...
10  cards
Past papers- 1. forces, motion and energy
The density of steel is 7800kg m3...,
Describe what happens to the velo...,
Explain in terms of forces the ch...
49  cards
Past papers- 2. thermal physics
State and explain the two ways th...,
Explain in terms of forces and di...,
Ways in which boiling differs fro...
30  cards
Past papers- 3. waves
Short sightedness,
Compression and rarefaction,
We can see light from the sun but...
36  cards
Past papers- 4. magnetism and electricity
Define potential difference pd st...,
Explain what happens in the circu...,
How to determine the direction of...
54  cards
Past papers- 5. nuclear
Explain what is meant by nuclear ...,
The isotope x1 is a beta emitter ...,
I define the term half life ii su...
25  cards
Past papers- 6. space physics
Explain what is meant by redshift...,
Point x is the point in the orbit...,
As pluto rotates the white surfac...
10  cards

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