This class was created by Brainscape user amber patel. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (39)

act 1 scene 1 events and quotes
The play starts with what,
Why is the play starting with the...,
At the beginning of the play what...
9  cards
act 1 scene 2 events and quotes
What does the sergeant say commem...,
What does duncan say commemoratin...,
What quality of macbeth is highli...
12  cards
act 1 scene 3 events and quotes
What is the first thing that macb...,
Why is macbeth says to the witche...,
What is banquos initial reaction ...
29  cards
act 1 scene 4 events and quotes
What is duncan s language like in...,
What quote shows that malcom will...,
What quote shows that duncan is a...
21  cards
act 1 scene 5 events and quotes
Yet do i fear,
What is symbolic about the milk q...,
What does the milk of human kindn...
27  cards
act 1 scene 7 events and quotes
He hath honour d me of late,
Macbeth is enjoying being thane,
How is macbeth speaking of the king
16  cards
act 2 scene 1 events and quotes
A heavy summons lies like lead up...,
What does banquo mean when he tal...,
My bosom franchised banquo
39  cards
act 2 scene 2 events and quotes
Alack i am afraid,
What does lady macbeth mean by th...,
He could not
35  cards
act 2 scene 3 events and quotes
What does the start of the scene ...,
What is the significance of the k...,
What is the other significance of...
20  cards
act 2 scene 4 events and quotes
What does threescore mean,
Threescore and ten old man,
But this sore night
15  cards
act 3 scene 1 events and quotes
What is banquo s behaviour like a...,
Thou hast it now banquo,
And i fear banquo
10  cards
act 3 scene 2 events and quotes
What motif keeps recurring in the...,
Nought s had lady macbeth,
Tis safer to be that lady macbeth
35  cards
act 3 scene 3 events and quotes
What does the introduction of the...,
How do the murderers speak to eac...,
What is stychomythia
7  cards
act 3 scene 4 events and quotes
Why is the scene structurally cen...,
The scene moves from what,
Key moments in the scene banquet
16  cards
act 3 scene 5 events and quotes
Hecate is the goddess of what,
What is symbolic about the weathe...,
Why is hecate angry
11  cards
act 3 scene 6 events and quotes
What quote shows that lennox is s...,
Lennox is starting to become outw...,
Where is macbeth
9  cards
act 4 scene 1 events and quotes
Double double,
Then the charm,
By the pricking of my thumbs
44  cards
act 4 scene 2 events and quotes
He loves us not lady macduff,
What does the quote he loves us n...,
What does shakespeare personify l...
13  cards
act 4 scene 3 events and quotes
Each new morn macduff,
What does the quote new widows ho...,
Bleed bleed macduff
26  cards
act 5 scene 1 events and quotes
What is lady macbeth doing in thi...,
What does her ritual of washing h...,
What is the act of washing her ha...
19  cards
macbeth character quotes
For brave act 1,
O valiant act 1,
What he hath lost act 1
41  cards
lady macbeth character quotes
Yet do i fear act 1,
Come you spirits that tend on mor...,
Come to my woman s breasts act 1
28  cards
banquo character quotes
Good sir why do you start act 1,
Merciful powers act 2,
My bosom franchised act 2
6  cards
the witches character quotes
When shall we three act 1,
When the hurylburly s done act 1,
Fair is foul act 1
11  cards
good vs evil quotes and ideas
In macbeths soliloquy he has arra...,
For brave macbeth well he deserve...,
Well he deserves that name
13  cards
guilt quotes and ideas
What does macbeth say immediately...,
How does seeing banquo s ghost at...,
How does lady macbeth portray guilt
8  cards
power quotes and ideas
How is power portrayed at the sta...,
How is power portrayed in the mid...,
How is power portrayed at the end...
4  cards
conflict quotes and ideas
How is conflict presented at the ...,
How is conflict presented in the ...,
How is conflict presented at the ...
8  cards
good words to use in essays
27  cards
violence quotes and ideas
How is violence presented at the ...,
How is violence presented at the ...,
How is macbeth presented as being...
5  cards
deception vs reality quotes and ideas
How is deception vs reality first...,
How do the witches create the the...,
Why does shakespeare use witches
6  cards
act 5 scene 2 events and quotes
What is macbeth being referred to as,
Some say he s mad,
Cannot buckle his
6  cards
act 5 scene 3 events and quotes
I cannot macbeth,
Throw physic macbeth
2  cards
act 5 scene 5 events and quotes
Our castle s strength,
Here let them lie,
I have almost forgot
9  cards
act 5 scene 6 events and quotes
What does malcolm call macduff th...,
What does siward call macbeth
2  cards
act 5 scene 7 events and quotes
What does young siward call macbeth,
What else does young siward call ...,
Why does macduff want to kill mac...
3  cards
act 5 scene 8 events and quotes
What is the first thing macbeth s...,
How does the quote but get thee b...,
Why does macbeth pause when he is...
4  cards
0  cards
0  cards

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