This class was created by Brainscape user Tomas Mellor. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Monomers, polymers and carbohydrates - Biological Molecules
Define monomer give some examples,
Define polymer give some examples,
What happens in a condensation re...
16  cards
Lipids, Water, Inorganic ions - Biological Molecules
Describe how to test for lipids i...,
Contrast saturated and unsaturate...,
How do triglycerides form
16  cards
Proteins - Biological Molecules
What is the general structure of ...,
Describe how to test for proteins...,
How many amino acids are there an...
28  cards
Nucleic acids, ATP - Biological Molecules
Draw the structure of a nucleotide,
Name the pentose sugars in dna rna,
State the role of dna in living c...
23  cards
Cell Structure - Cells
Define the terms eukaryotic and p...,
State the relationship between a ...,
Describe the structure and functi...
40  cards
All cells arise from other cells - Cells
State what the cell cycle is and ...,
Explain why the cell cycle does n...,
What is the difference between th...
24  cards
Transport across membranes - Cells
Describe the fluid mosaic model o...,
Explain the functions of extrinsi...,
Explain the role of cholesterol g...
22  cards
Cell recognition and the immune system - Cells
What is an antigen,
How does phagocytosis destroy pat...,
Give 2 differences between specif...
27  cards
Surface area to volume ratio & Gas Exchange - Exchange
How does an organism s size relat...,
How does an organism s surface ar...,
How might a large organism adapt ...
29  cards
Digestion and Absorption - Exchange
Define digestion,
Which enzymes are involved incarb...,
What are the substrates and produ...
17  cards
Mass Transport - Exchange
Describe the structure of haemogl...,
Describe the role of haemoglobin,
Name three factors affecting oxyg...
35  cards
DNA, Genes and Chromosomes - Genetics, Biodiversity and Classification
What are the three components of ...,
Describe the structure of dna,
Describe the role of dna
14  cards
DNA and Protein Synthesis - Genetics, Biodiversity and Classification
What is the genome,
What is the proteome,
Describe the structure of messeng...
12  cards
Genetic Diversity can arise as a result of Mutation or during Meiosis - Genetics, Biodiversity and Classification
What is a mutation,
Why might a mutation not lead to ...,
What is a substitution mutation
13  cards
genetic diversity and adaptation
Define population,
What is an allele,
Define genetic diversity
11  cards
species and taxonomy
Define species,
What are the advantages of courts...,
Define classification
10  cards
Biodiversity Within a Community, and Investigating Diversity
What is biodiversity,
What impact does agriculture farm...,
Define community
12  cards

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