aicp code of ethics & conduct

This class was created by Brainscape user Jackie Torres. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (43)

Knowledge of Code
Based on knowledge of the specific codes, procedures, and advisory rulings
77  cards
Procedural Provisions
Section C - E of the Code of Ethics
88  cards
Practice Questions
Your firm is developing a residen...,
Which of the following aspiration...,
You are about to present to the p...
18  cards
Research Methods & Statistical Analysis
What are the three approaches to ...,
What is qualitative research,
Which research method would inclu...
78  cards
Research & Assessment Methods
GIS, Census and Economic and Demographic Analysis
90  cards
Extra GIS (Day 3)
A closed boundary around an area ...,
A point determining the beginning...,
Information about a geographic fe...
37  cards
History of Planning (Day 1)
What year was the first national ...,
Which conference and city was the...,
What year was the first city plan...
40  cards
Key Planning Books & Figures (Day 1)
Jacob riis publish his book in 18...,
Ebenezer howard s book was publis...,
Which book initiated the garden c...
33  cards
Major American Planning Movements (Day 1)
Which movement believed that crea...,
Who was a prominent figure in the...,
Which years were the most promine...
25  cards
History of Land Settlements and Comprehensive Planning (Day 2)
The land ordinance of 1785 was a ...,
In 1862 congress passed the homes...,
What was the result of the homest...
25  cards
Patterns of Human Settlement (Day 2)
What are the four theories of urb...,
In 1925 who developed the concent...,
What is the theory surrounding th...
12  cards
Legal Principles and Statutory Basis of Planning (Day 1)
Freedom of speech religion and as...,
Just compensation for takings is ...,
Due process substantive due proce...
8  cards
Zoning and Growth Management Cases
Before comprehensive zoning regul...,
The nuisance law means that perso...
15  cards
Challenges to Federal Acts
In brandt revocable trust v the u...,
In massachusetts v epa the court ...,
In rapanos v the united states th...
5  cards
First Amendment Cases
In young v american mini theaters...,
In metromedia inc v city of san d...,
In members of city council v taxp...
6  cards
Fifth Amendment
In the united states v gettysburg...,
United states v gettysburg electr...,
In pennsylvania coal co v mahon t...
25  cards
Fourteenth Amendment Case
In munn v illinois the court foun...,
In mugler v kansas the court foun...,
In village of belle terre v boara...
6  cards
Statutory Basis of Planning (Day 1)
Which amendment grants the states...,
True false state governments do n...,
Dillon s rule applies in states w...
9  cards
Planning Theory (Day 1)
The rational planning theory assu...,
Herbert simon coined which term i...,
What is one of the major criticis...
22  cards
Census and Demographics (Day 3)
True false the nation s older pop...,
In 2050 which race and ethnic gro...,
Which year was the first that all...
31  cards
Core Values of Planning (Day 1)
_______________ is about being fa...,
________________ is about valuing...,
______________ is about allowing ...
19  cards
Planning and Technology (Day 3)
New information and communication...,
Data wrangling is the process of ...,
Smart city technology is implemen...
8  cards
Fundamentals of Planning - Planetizen Quiz (Day 1)
_____________________ argued that...,
The first segment of which system...,
What is the largest concrete stru...
6  cards
History, Theory & Law - Henry's Class (Day 1)
Hippodamus was considered to be t...,
William penn laid out the basic p...,
The _________ plan was built with...
46  cards
Saturday Mix - Henry's Class
In the feminine mystique the book...,
Which movement was enacted to con...,
Who authored the book a theory of...
53  cards
Environmental, NEPA & Water (Day 3)
True false nepa is a direct decis...,
In 1969 congress passed _________...,
Nepa established a national polic...
51  cards
Saturday Mix(2) -Henry's Class
A level of service c los c at a s...,
This person pioneered indoor shop...,
Who would be most likely to revie...
12  cards
Public Participation (Day 2)
What percent of americans have sm...,
Digital outreach should be compat...,
Feedback from which kind of commu...
20  cards
Communication (Day 2)
What are the different layers of ...,
_________________ should be a lon...,
_______________ is a factual stat...
11  cards
Engagement Evaluation (Day 2)
What are the three evaluation des...,
__________________ involves colle...,
____________________ are done at ...
9  cards
Communication, Participation & Consensus - Henry's Class (Day 2)
What are the three levels on the ...,
The first two rungs on the arnste...,
Tokenism falls in the middle of a...
24  cards
Spatial Areas of Practice (Day 3)
_____________ was the first inter...,
States are required to create sta...,
Challenges such as maintaining ch...
22  cards
Sunday Mix(3) - Henry's Class
Amortization as it applies to rez...,
___________ is a process to termi...,
True false major new transportati...
5  cards
Plan Making & Implementation (Day 2)
______________ is an adopted stat...,
What kind of analysis is common i...,
In starting a swot analysis the f...
47  cards
Budget & Finance (Day 3)
______________ budget considers a...,
______________ ties the budget to...,
________________ requires that ex...
29  cards
Saturday Mix(3) - Henry's Class
The primary purpose of the census...,
True false agricultural runoff is...,
What kind of development generate...
8  cards
Plan Implementation (Day 2)
What are some elements that zonin...,
True false the planning zoning co...,
____________ is required to issue...
20  cards
Admin & Project Management - Henry's Class (Day 2)
The following roles are associate...,
___________ is a unique and verif...,
_________ is a marker that consum...
24  cards
Saturday Mix(4) - Henry's Class
Fonsi is a term related to what o...,
The most outstanding example of s...,
A building setback is the distanc...
15  cards
Transportation Planning
What is the 3 c planning process ...,
______________ is a federal legis...,
The traditional ______________ is...
40  cards
Economic Development
________________ is a loan to a c...,
_____________ is seed money estab...,
_______________ is an economicall...
20  cards
The _________________ required fo...,
The ___________ required inspecti...,
The _______________ act allowed f...
16  cards
Saturday Mix - Henry's Class (5)
Garages fronting the lot are char...,
A generalized guide that,
This type of survey is inexpensiv...
26  cards

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aicp code of ethics & conduct

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