This class was created by Brainscape user Klaus Juul. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

1. Operations and process management
What is the difference between,
What does it mean to take a proce...
16  cards
Introduction to supply chain managemen
What is a,
What is supply chain,
What part of the supply chain is ...
14  cards
3. Strategic alliance
Why not just,
What are the four ways of doing,
How can strategic alliances help
15  cards
Basic Concepts of SCM
Minimum lead time for retailer wh...,
If retail store s order needs to ...,
Why do we prefer to store in the dc
12  cards
4. Procurement and Outsourcing Strategies
What is the difference between of...,
What are the benefits of outsourcing,
What are the outsourcing risks
10  cards
Customer value
How should a company,
What are the five dimensions of,
What is part of 1 conformance to ...
7  cards
Smart Pricing
What are three examples of compan...,
What are the three pricing strate...,
What is revenue management price ...
16  cards
Supply Chain Network Planning
What are the key,
What is the objective in,
What are the major components of
4  cards
Product design and supply chain
How does the manufacturing enviro...,
What is goals of the manufacturin...,
Why do the goals conflict
14  cards
Supply chain integration and Distribution strategy
What are the supply chain integra...,
What is,
What strategy falls into the old ...
23  cards
Inventory Management
At what level is the scm decision...,
What term is it,
What is inventory
31  cards
Value of information
What are the benefits of informat...,
What is the simple definition of,
What are the three levels illustr...
19  cards
Global Logistics and Risk Management
What are the forces,
What forces collectively drive gl...,
How does
17  cards
What are the 4vs and why they mat...,
Why is a supply chain named so wh...,
Explain the following concepts a ...
23  cards

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supply chain

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