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Business Flashcards

Business course study tools to help you learn as efficiently as possible. Find thousands of online business flashcards made by top instructors & professionals.

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About Business on Brainscape

Prepare for Your Business Career

We all want a great job when we get out of school.  But if you want to impress potential employers, you need to get good grades in your Business classes first.  Whether you are focusing on Accounting, Marketing, or Management, your early employers will care about your GPA.

In order to succeed, choose a web and mobile app that breaks down all your business questions and answers in a way that doubles your learning speed and the duration of your memory retention.  Luckily, Brainscape is trusted by top students at Harvard Business School and Booth Business School.

Make Studying Business Easier

Business is generally a very interactive discipline. Any Business student knows that it is important to develop key skills like project management, and to learn key computer programs.  But you also need to memorize certain concepts for each class.  And that's where adaptive web and mobile flashcards fill in the gap. Mobile and web flashcards increase learning by using a learning technique known as spaced repetition.

There are plenty of apps and eLearning websites out there, and plenty of them use spaced repetition flashcards, since they are PROVEN to be an excellent learning method. But Brainscape is the most effective as it uses a modified version of spaced repetition known as Confidence-Based Repetition (CBR).  Our learning algorithms have been refined over a period of several years and are guaranteed to at least double your study efficiency.

The Best Study Aid for your MBA or BBA

If you are studying for either your Bachelor or Masters in Business Administration, then you will need to cover various areas of business such as accounting, finance, marketing, human resources, operations, and statistics, in a manner most relevant to management analysis and strategy.  Thankfully, you can browse the Brainscape website and study any of these subjects. There are thousands of mobile flashcards that are free to try and free to use, no matter what program you are in.

Brainscape -- the Most Efficient Study Aid

As a business student, you understand numbers and efficiency.  So you should appreciate the value in time saved from spaced repetition.  Here's how it works.

Spaced repetition is a PROVEN method that has been developed over many years by learning scientists. It is the practice of repeating the concept you are studying over and over again, but with exactly the right amount of space in between. This concept is based on the fact that recurrent exposure is needed to learn something, whether it’s a fact or skill, and it is a crucial part in retaining information.

Brainscape is unique because it is the only app and website available that combines spaced repetition as well as CBR.

The Brainscape system works by asking you to rate your confidence on a scale of 1-5. This system is then used to determine the frequency that you will next be shown the flashcard. This adaptive learning algorithm personalizes spaced repetition as much as possible and guarantees that you will learn faster and remember for longer.

For example, let's say you were studying supply chain management and you were asked a question about "push pull strategies". If you had no idea and could not remember any details, you would rate yourself a "1" . Because of this rating, Brainscape would show you the flashcard again in perhaps five or ten flashcards from now. The next time you viewed the flashcard, you could either upgrade your rating to a “2” or a “3” which would decrease the frequency with which you were then shown the card, or you could keep the score at a “1” if you were determined to drum in the details.

No other product on the market has such a refined repetition frequency algorithm. Other products will just repeat flashcards based on vague parameters, but without the precision of CBR, you will be wasting your time relearning things you already knew very well and not maximizing your time by focusing on your own individual weak areas.

Because you will be doubling your learning speed as well as your memory retention, Brainscape allows you to learn twice as much in the same time, or to reduce your study time and make time for other things. Let's be honest, there are more things in life than studying and with Brainscape you can get ahead and enjoy more free time.

So get started with Brainscapes' free flashcards today!