This class was created by Brainscape user Mark Tonta. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Max altitude for t off and landing
21  cards
Review Questions
True or false navaid and airport ...,
What happens if you push the toga...,
The engine fuel crossed system al...
190  cards
Which hyd malfunctions would requ...,
What is the rat precharge accumul...,
Which hyd system is powered by th...
16  cards
What is the purpose of the gen sw...,
What is the electrical rating of ...,
In an emergency what buses are po...
28  cards
What is the steepest angle for ap...,
What is the function of the fpv c...,
How will the aircraft react when ...
47  cards
Engine idle time before eng run t...,
Max takeoff itt and time limit,
Capacity of oil replenishment tank
38  cards
Which specific colours depict the...,
Where are the baro minimums set,
What is the purpose of the cvs co...
29  cards
Fire Protection
If an apu fire is detected on the...,
How is the fire protection system...,
What are the five effects on the ...
13  cards
Memory Items
What are the memory item s for an...,
What are the memory item s for ap...,
What are the pilot memory item s ...
28  cards
Oxygen-Emergency Equipment-Lighting
Normal oxygen pressure at 21 c fo...,
At what pressure will the oxygen ...,
How can the avionics bay and nose...
15  cards
Priority for nav sensors used by ...,
Meaning of a black msg label on b...,
When requiring food for a trip sh...
16  cards
Aircraft General
What distance in front of the air...,
What is the visual eye reference ...,
What is the maximum landing weight
14  cards
Flight Controls
How does the pilot override in or...,
With flaps extended which mfss ar...,
What are the functions of the mul...
20  cards
Landing Gear and Brakes
Nws limits for the tiller and rudder,
How should brake wear indications...,
When is gear warning horn mutable
29  cards
What is the afm limitation for th...,
When does fuel transfer from the ...,
Under which condition is a latera...
34  cards
During ground operation what is t...,
What are the two functions of the...,
During normal flight operations w...
36  cards
What is the apu type,
What occurs when the apu run swit...,
How many start attemptsare permit...
20  cards
Ice and Rain Protection
Why is it recommended to remove a...,
When is cowl anti ice required on...,
At what airspeeds are the ice det...
17  cards

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global 6000

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