This class was created by Brainscape user Adam Davie. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (42)

The Eye in Health and Disease
What are the basic components of ...,
What is the tear drop sign indica...,
What is the role of orbital fat
42  cards
Embryology of the Eye
Where do the first formative proc...,
What are the formative processes ...,
From what part of the neural tube...
19  cards
Vision 1
What is refraction,
What is accommodation,
What are refractive errors
42  cards
Topography of the Brain
What are the pyramidal tracts med...,
What are the peduncles,
What are the red nuclei
52  cards
Vision 2
What are the two types of ocular ...,
What are the functions of intrins...,
What is the function of extrinsic...
37  cards
The Cerebral Hemispheres
What is the name of the small dip...,
What is the name of the larger di...,
What is the name of the cavity in...
49  cards
Cells and Tissues of the Nervous System
Describe the divisions of the ner...,
Describe neurons,
Describe glial cells
64  cards
Common Conditions of the Eye
What is the aetiology of cataract...,
How does the lens develop in basi...,
Give some causes of secondary cat...
43  cards
Cranial Nerves
Where are the cell bodies of sens...,
Where are the cell bodies of soma...,
Where are the cell bodies of auto...
72  cards
The Spinal Cord and Periphery
Where do the cell bodies of the v...,
What is motor neuron disease,
Is all sensory information sent t...
48  cards
Functional Hierarchy of the Motor System
What are the lower motor neurons,
What do lower motor neurone lesio...,
What are the upper motor neurons
19  cards
Motor Control 1
What cortex makes up the majority...,
Where is the main motor processin...,
What do motor cortical cells give...
39  cards
Motor Control 2
What is the cerebellum responsibl...,
Define co ordination,
What makes up the outer part of t...
33  cards
Applied Neuro-Pharmacology
What approaches ca be used to red...,
How do local anaesthetics manipul...,
How do substances such as spider ...
30  cards
Vestibular Function
What is the main function of the ...,
What is the name for the fluid fi...,
Aside from fluid what do the laby...
42  cards
EEG, Sleep (Motor Control 3)
List the basic conscious states,
List the basic unconscious states,
What is the main scale for assess...
30  cards
Sleep Mechanisms, Cognition and Memory
What is the intrinsic property of...,
What part of the brain controls a...,
From where does the aras receive ...
38  cards
Memory and Cognition
What are the two different kinds ...,
What are the three duration contr...,
Where is the majority of short te...
27  cards
Retinal Disorders
Where are cones concentrated in t...,
Where are cones concentrated in t...,
Describe the principle of electro...
34  cards
Red Eye and Adnexal Oncology
What part of the eye is affected ...,
What part of the eye is affected ...,
What part of the eye is affected ...
18  cards
Unexplained Symptoms in Neurology
Give some examples of common unex...,
What are the rights of someone fu...,
What are the obligations of someo...
14  cards
Sensory Systems and Physiology of Pain
Give examples of sensory receptors,
What is the name for the area to ...,
What does the term adequate stimu...
29  cards
List some potential causes of bla...,
What two forms of history taking ...,
What aspects of the witness histo...
38  cards
Overview of Pain Medication
Is pain a stimulus,
Describe the basic four stages of...,
Briefly define nociception
39  cards
What are primary headaches,
What are the three main forms of ...,
What are secondary headaches
50  cards
Multiple Sclerosis
Outline the process and features ...,
Describe the process of demyelina...,
What can be seen on the brain mri...
31  cards
Embryology and Congenital Malformations
From what layer of the embryo doe...,
At what point in development does...,
How is the neural plate formed
64  cards
Pathology of Trauma
What are the five types of skull ...,
Describe linear skull fractures,
Describe depressed skull fractures
13  cards
Clinical Aspects of Cerebral Perfusion and ICP
Whata re the two neurological ass...,
What is the most significant cate...
2  cards
Infections of the Nervous System
What is meningitis,
What is encephalitis,
What is myelitis
50  cards
Muscle & Nerve Diseases
How can muscle diseases present,
Give five of the major muscular d...,
What type of genetic linkage appl...
32  cards
Diseases of the Spinal Cord & Nerve Roots (Medical)
What are the classic umn signs,
What are the classic lmn signs,
What sensory signs are caused by ...
20  cards
Pathology of Cerebrovascular Disease
Do veins travel with arteries in ...,
What are the main venous structur...,
How are the venous sinuses fed an...
24  cards
Pathology of Brain Tumours
How is csf reabsorbed into the veins,
What equation describes cerebral ...,
What equation describes the cereb...
30  cards
Ventricles, Hemispheres, Venous Sinuses and Skull Base
Name the ventricles of the brain,
What connects the bodies of the l...,
What connects the third and fourt...
22  cards
Disorders of Cranial Nerves
Which cranial nerves carry specia...,
What nerve carries the majority o...,
What nerves control the muscles o...
38  cards
Coma, Persistent Vegitative State, Brain Death
Define coma,
What are the two functions that c...,
What are some causes of a decreas...
35  cards
Degenerative Diseases of the Central Nervous System
What can be said generally about ...,
What is a feature of the imaging ...,
Define dementia
26  cards
Brain Tumours (Clinical)
What are the cancers which most c...,
What are the most common primary ...,
What is the most common cause of ...
23  cards
Neurovascular Anatomy, Cerebral Aneurysms and Basic Stroke Syndromes
What ix are used to diagnose suba...,
What ix can be used to exclude a ...,
What are most commonly the locati...
4  cards
Cerebral Infarction
0  cards
Head Injury
What are the four classifications...,
Give some different pathological ...,
What term describes skull fractur...
25  cards

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