11 biology (diversity)

This class was created by Brainscape user Jody Lee. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (38)

21  cards
root words and affixes in biology
43  cards
What are viruses,
What are their living characteris...,
When are viruses alive and when d...
27  cards
the influenza
What does a flu virus look like,
What are the parts of the virus a...,
What processes does the flu virus...
37  cards
What do vaccines contain,
How do vaccines affect the body,
How vaccines workwhat does the va...
9  cards
discovery- understanding viruses
Why is it difficult to identify v...,
How did ww1 contribute to the flu...,
Who was immune to smallpox and why
14  cards
effects of a virus
3  cards
lytic and lysogenic cycles
What is the dormancy period and why,
Step one of the lysogenic cycle,
Step two of the lysogenic cycle a...
15  cards
prokaryotic cell structure
Pili pl pilus,
Ribosomes polyribosomes
10  cards
binary fission
What is it,
Step one,
Step two after dna molecule attac...
7  cards
archaebacteria and eubacteria
Similarities between archaebacter...,
Similarities between archaebacter...,
Similarities between archaebacter...
16  cards
respiration and growth of eubacteria
How can eubacteria be grouped,
Obligate aerobes,
Obligate anaerobes
17  cards
kingdom prokaryote- archaea and bacteria
How can archaea and bacteria be c...,
What are three shapes,
28  cards
comparing reproduction
What are the four types of reprod...,
What is the most common form of r...,
What is binary fission
22  cards
food poisoning
What are the three types of food ...,
Staphylococcuswhat is staphylococ...,
Staphylococcuswhere is staphyloco...
29  cards
bacterial cell capsule
What does the capsule cause bacte...,
What is the capsule made of,
Because the capsule is smooth wha...
6  cards
the challenges of antibiotic resistance
What is the public health nightma...,
Why have death rates for diseases...,
Give 2 examples of how bacteria a...
12  cards
effects of household substances on bacterial growth
What is an antibiotic,
What do antibiotics usually target,
How do antibiotics work
13  cards
bacteria video quiz
Who was the british scientist who...,
What is the most toxic substance ...,
Which bacterium is responsible fo...
17  cards
Why is diversity important,
What does more diversity lead to,
What is taxonomy
32  cards
cell organelles
What organelles are present in on...,
What organelles are present in on...,
Cell membrane appearance
42  cards
passive transport
What is passive transport,
What is diffusion,
How do living things use diffusion
18  cards
active and bulk transport
What type of transport is active ...,
What is active transport,
Name and explain an example of ac...
11  cards
homeostasis and transport systems
What is homeostasis,
What are the three types of passi...,
Osmosiswhat is isotonic
17  cards
the fluid mosaic model
What does the fluid part of the n...,
What does the mosaic part of the ...,
What does the cell membrane consi...
24  cards
nucleic acid
What are the functions of nucleic...,
What is the monomer called and wh...,
What two things can polymer be
12  cards
protein synthesis
What holds the master plan for pr...,
Why is protein important,
How do proteins function
14  cards
protists: the unicellular eukaryotes
Most organisms are grouped togeth...,
What is the function of a pseudopod,
What are the similarities between...
23  cards
red tidal algae blooms
What is red tide,
What are dinoflagellates,
When do dinoflagellates reproduce...
5  cards
life cycle of malaria-causing protist
What protist causes malaria,
Step 1,
Step 2 after a mosquito feeds on ...
6  cards
What happens as water temperature...,
What happens when kelp growth dec...,
Are kelp plants why why not
3  cards
kingdom protista
How do we classify protista,
What is the kingdom protista base...,
What are the types of protista
18  cards
What are the 5 subgroups of fungi,
What are fungi imperfecti,
What are chytrids
15  cards
kingdom fungi
What three main components are in...,
What is the hyphae,
What is the mycelium
22  cards
kingdom animalia
What characteristics are used to ...,
What is an invertebrate,
What is a vertebrate
16  cards
kingdom animalia (2)
Are animalia heterotrophic or aut...,
Are animalia mobile,
How do animalia reproduce
7  cards
8 major phyla of the animal kingdom
What are the 8 major phyla common...,
What are sponges also known as,
What are jellyfish coral anemones...
40  cards
classes of vertebrate
What are the 5 classes name examples,
What are the 2 groups of fish,
Give examples of jawless fish
6  cards

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11 biology (diversity)

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