This class was created by Brainscape user Matthew Russell. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (30)

Week 1 - Lecture 1 - Introduction to Pathophysiology
Describe disease,
Describe communicable,
Describe non communicable
36  cards
Week 1 - Lecture 2a - A review on cellular structure and function
Chemical level,
Cellular level,
Tissue level
49  cards
Week 1 - Lecture 2b - Cellular Adaptation and Response to Stress, Injury and Death
Name three causes of cell stress ...,
Define deficiency,
What can cause deficiency
46  cards
Week 1 - Lecture 3 - Clinical Models
What is cerebral atrophy,
Cerebral atrophy cont,
Pathophysiology of cerebral atrophy
31  cards
Week 2 - Lecture 1 - Acute Inflammation
1st line no specific barriers,
2nd line non specific patrols
47  cards
Week 2 - Lecture 2 - Healing, Tissue Repair and Chronic Inflammation
Goal of tissue healing and repair,
3 phases of healing and tissue re...,
Covering the wound and clearing t...
26  cards
Week 2 - Lecture 3 - Clinical Models
Burn injuries,
6 functions of the skin,
Burn pathophysiology
57  cards
Week 3 - Lecture 1 - Altered Cellular Proliferation and Differentiation
Cancer definitions,
Cell proliferation,
Cell differentiation
34  cards
Week 3 - Lecture 2 - Impact of cancer on tissues, organs and organ systems
0  cards
Week 3 - Lecture 3a - Clinical Models Pt.1
Lung cancer pathophysiology,
Lung cancer patho 2,
Lung cancer patho 3
28  cards
Week 3 - Lecture 3b - Clinical Models Pt. 2
Difference between luekaemia and ...,
Leukaemia pathophysiology,
What are b cells
27  cards
Week 4 - Lecture 1a - Altered Electrolyte Balance
Cells function depends on what,
36  cards
Week 4 - Lecture 1b - Altered Fluid Balance
Fluid compartment,
Fluid regulation,
Fluid movement among compartments
31  cards
Week 4 - Lecture 2 - Acid-Base Imbalance
Acid base balance,
What is normal ph of the arterial...,
What is normal ph of the venous b...
12  cards
Week 4- Lecture 3 - Clinical Models
Cirrhosis clinical manifestations,
Cirrhosis diagnostic criteria,
Cirrhosis treatment
12  cards
Week 5 - Lecture 1 - Alterations in neuronal impulse conduction
What are the two principle type o...,
What are neuroglia cells,
What are neurons
43  cards
Week 5- Lecture 1b - Alterations in Central Nervous System Function
What is included in the forebrain,
What is included in the midbrain,
What is included in the hindbrain
46  cards
Week 5 - Lecture 2- Alterations in Peripheral Nervous System Function
Sensory receptors,
Revise cranial nerves
43  cards
Week 5 - Lecture 3 - Clinical Models
Cerebral palsy pathophysiology,
Clinical manifestations of cp,
Cp patho
30  cards
Week 6 - Lecture 1 - Introduction to somatosensory nervous system
In the brain nerve impulses are r...,
Classifcation of somatosensory st...,
12  cards
Week 6 - Lecture 1b - Pain
Mechanism of acute pain 5,
Transmission of nerve impulses fr...
17  cards
Week 6 - Lecture 2a - Alterations in vision
What percentage of the bodys sens...,
3 step of vision,
Where is vision processed in the ...
38  cards
Week 6 - Lecture 2b - alterations in hearing and balance
Three major areas of the ear,
External ear is composed of,
Auricle pinna is composed of
20  cards
Week 6 - Lecture 3 - Clinical Models
0  cards
Week 7 - Lecture 1 - Function and Regulation of Hormones
Characteristics of hormones,
7 regulatory functions of hormones,
Features common to all hormones c...
14  cards
Week 7 - Lecture 2a - The stress response
0  cards
Week 7- Lecture 2b - Altered Hormone Function
0  cards
Week 7 - Lecture 3 - Clinical Models
0  cards
Week 8 - Lecture 1 - Female Reproductive System
Primary sex organs are called,
Primary sex organs secrete steroi...,
Role of the ovaries
10  cards
13  cards

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medical pathophysiology

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