a. yr 2 athletic training & functional rehab

This class was created by Brainscape user Tatum keen. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

What are the 4 regions of the ver...,
What are the curves of the spine,
When and why do secondary curves ...
34  cards
Thoracic Cage And Ribs
What does the thorax consist of,
What is inferior of the thorax,
What does the thoracic wall also ...
15  cards
Pulmonary Ventiliation
What is pulmonary ventilation,
How is the thocic cage involved i...,
What is intrapulmonary pressure a...
22  cards
Muscles Included In Respiration (exc Intercostals)
What are the other muscles includ...,
What separates the two rectus abd...,
What are transverse tendinous int...
9  cards
C2 v cranial,
C3 v cranial
17  cards
18  cards
Test c5,
Test c6,
Test c7
9  cards
Points for a straight leg raise,
Sensitising manoeuvres for straig...,
Points for passive neck flexion test
30  cards
Pain Theory
What is pain transmitted via thro...,
When was the pain gate theory est...,
How do nocioceptors work
22  cards
Lumbar Spine
Some epidemiology of low back pai...,
What are the 3 main diagnostics f...,
What is non specific low back pain
30  cards
The Pelvis / Sacrum
Classify the sacro iliac joint,
Classify the public symphysis,
What are the major muscles across...
29  cards
What is the pathology and etiolog...,
What are are common pathology for...,
What are common pathology in youn...
32  cards
Thoracic Spine
What are the 3 sections of the th...,
What are the 4 parts of the thora...,
How many joints are in the front ...
25  cards
Functional Movement And Foot Biomechancics
What are the 3 body systems,
What is functional training,
What are the 6 variables in movem...
14  cards
Clinical Patterns For Lower Spine And Pelvis
What is the definition of non spe...,
What are the risk factors with no...,
What are common symptoms of lower...
45  cards
Clinical Pattens On Neck Pain
What is a description for neck pa...,
Common symptoms of neck pain with...,
What are expected exam findings f...
34  cards
Contraindications For Manual Therapy
What are the contraindications fo...
1  cards

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a. yr 2 athletic training & functional rehab

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