a2 biology unit 5

This class was created by Brainscape user Kieran Busby. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

Responding to the Environment
What is any change in temperature...,
What is tactic response,
What is kinetic response
37  cards
What does rna mrna and trna stand...,
Define codon,
Define stop codon
26  cards
Protein Synthesis
What is transcription,
Why is mrna in eukaryotic dna edited,
What are introns
20  cards
What are neurones,
What is a mammalian neurone made ...,
What is a cell body
11  cards
Control of Heart Rate
What two systems is the nervous s...,
What is the cns made up of,
What is the peripheral nervous sy...
21  cards
What are photoreceptors,
What contains photoreceptor cells,
What controls how much light ente...
25  cards
Gene Mutation
What is a mutation,
How can mutations be caused,
Name three types of mutation
23  cards
Control of Gene Expression
What are switched on genes,
What are switched off genes,
What are totipotent cells
9  cards
Pacinian Corpuscle
What is a pacinian corpuscle,
What do pacinian corpuscles contain,
As with all sensory neurones a pa...
4  cards
What are the two main forms of co...,
Suggest how indoleacetic acid iaa...,
Explain how someone becomes aware...
50  cards
The Nervous Impulse
The movement of ions eg na and k ...,
What is the neurones resting stat...,
The establishment of the resting ...
29  cards
What are stem cells,
What are totipotent cells,
How are genes prevented from expr...
5  cards
Response to Stimuli
Describe how a pacinian corpuscle...,
Describe how increased sympatheti...,
Describe how rod cells act as tra...
45  cards
Muscle Contraction
What are muscles,
There are three types of muscle m...,
Why are muscles so strong
14  cards
DNA Technology
The diagram shows matching parts ...,
The process of making a protein u...,
What are the good properties of dna
13  cards
Gene Technology
What is gene technology,
What are dna fragments,
How do you obtain a dna fragment ...
26  cards
What is homeostasis,
Why is homeostasis so important,
The control of any self regulatin...
37  cards
Feedback Mechanisms
What is negative feedback,
What are the two types of feedback,
Describe how negative feedback is...
18  cards
Gene Therapy
What is cystic fibrosis,
Why does cf cause a respiratory p...,
What is the aim of gene therapy
29  cards
Synapses are unidirectional expla...,
What is a synapse,
What is a presynaptic neurone
13  cards
Regulation of transcription and translation
What is the movement idk of trans...,
What is the role of transcription...,
How do activators work
6  cards
Biology Essay
The membranes of different types ...,
There are many different types of...,
Cells and organisms carry out exc...
18  cards

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a2 biology unit 5

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