This class was created by Brainscape user Brittany Christmas. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (25)

Rotator cuff, upper arm, brachial plexus
What are the 6 scapulohumeral mus...,
How many parts of the deltoid mus...,
What are the 3 parts of the delto...
120  cards
Axilla, upper extremity vasculature, cubital fossa, forearm bones and elbow joint
What is the four sided pyramid sh...,
What are the neurovascular struct...,
What is the axillary sheath a dir...
141  cards
What compartments is the forearm ...,
What splits the forearm into the ...,
What does the anterior compartmen...
165  cards
Hand and wrist
What are the carpal bones,
How many metacarpals are there,
How many phalanges are there
144  cards
Thorax and cardiovascular system
What is the function of the thorax,
What encircles the thoracic conte...,
What does the thorax protect
293  cards
Respiratory system
What are the two types of anatomy...,
Which part of the respiratory sys...,
Which part of the respiratory sys...
138  cards
Introduction to Peripheral Nervous System/Thoracic Wall Anatomy
What makes up the central nervous...,
What makes up the peripheral nerv...,
The 12 pairs of cranial nerves in...
88  cards
Anterolateral Abdominal Wall, Inguinal Region and Peritoneum
What is the space bounded by the ...,
What does the abdominal cavity fo...,
What is enclosed anterolaterally ...
137  cards
Peritoneum, Omentum, Esophagus and Stomach
What supplies the abdominal wall ...,
What supplies the lateral abdomin...,
What supplies the inferior rectus...
169  cards
Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas, and Spleen
Visceral motor neurons in the cns...,
Parasympathetic visceral motor ne...,
Parasympathetic visceral motor ne...
212  cards
Small Intestine and Large Intestine
What regulates and coordinates nu...,
What are the activities that the ...,
Where is the ens located
152  cards
Posterior Abdominal Organs, Posterior Abdominal Wall and Diaphragm
The posterior abdominal viscera a...,
The retroperitoneal space contain...,
What lies retroperitoneally on th...
158  cards
Organization of the Pelvis and Perineum
What space is located below the p...,
The is situated above the pelvic ...,
The is situated below and behind ...
192  cards
Reproductive and Other Pelvic Viscera
What does the female external gen...,
What serves as a sensory and erec...,
What is the rounded fatty eminenc...
200  cards
Lower Limb: Anteromedial Thigh, Hip and Knee Joints
Most of the adductor muscles of t...,
What allows greater mobility of t...,
What is advantageous for bipedal ...
165  cards
Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot
What are the bones that the legs ...,
The leg is divided into three com...,
Where can you see stress fractures
114  cards
Gluteal Region, Posterior Thigh, and Popliteal Fossa
What is the prominent area poster...,
What provides the gluteal region ...,
What is the common attachment for...
65  cards
Face, Orbits, and Temporal Region
What are the contents of the supe...,
Where can you find muscles of fac...,
What are the different muscles of...
115  cards
Neuroanatomy 1
How many bones make up the craniu...,
What are the two major areas of t...,
What are the 3 fossae that make u...
130  cards
Oral Region, Nose, Paranasal Sinuses, and Ear
What is included in the oral region,
What does the mouth consist of,
What is the space between the tee...
119  cards
Superficial Anterior Neck
What layer of cervical fascia is ...,
What is the innervation of the pl...,
What are the different layers of ...
59  cards
Deep Neck and Viscera
The deep structures of the neck a...,
What lies directly posterior to t...,
What do the lateral vertebral mus...
97  cards
Neuroanatomy 2
What of body weight does the brai...,
What are the different parts of t...,
What part of the internal carotid...
57  cards
Cranial Nerves
How many paired cranial nerves ar...,
What comes from the posterior sid...,
What are the different functions ...
54  cards
CN Physical Exam
How do you test cn i,
How do you test cn ii function,
Which cns are tested together
17  cards

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