bacterial physiology (biol 471)

This class was created by Brainscape user Rene Galindo. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Ch. 1
What are the differences between ...,
What are the differences between ...,
What are the similarities between...
51  cards
Ch. 3
What are the properties of prokar...,
What topological problems result ...,
What is the solution to dna getti...
31  cards
Ch. 11
What fundamental principles does ...,
What is transcription,
What are the 3 stages of rna synt...
45  cards
Ch. 2 (2.2 and 2.6 only)
What does growth physiology include,
What is a growth curve,
What are the 4 phases in a growth...
22  cards
Ch. 4
The cytoplasmic membrane is a sem...,
List the integral membrane protei...,
In what ways is transport classified
35  cards
Ch. 5
Define electron transport,
What are the two types of respira...,
Electrons flow through a series o...
45  cards
Ch. 6
How are phototrophic prokaryotes ...,
How are phototrophic prokaryotes ...,
List the photosynthetic microorga...
33  cards
Ch. 7
How are enzyme rates modified 2 m...,
What are the 3 common patterns of...,
For biosynthetic pathways the ___...
20  cards
Ch. 8
What are the 2 different kinds of...,
List the high energy molecules ce...,
High energy molecules have bonds ...
48  cards
Ch. 9
What do the central metabolic pat...,
What are the major carbohydrate p...,
What 2 generalizations can be mad...
52  cards
Ch. 13
What are the 2 types of reduction...,
What system incorporates the ammo...,
What are glutamine and glutamate ...
57  cards
Ch. 14
Many prokaryotes can grow on c1 c...,
A few strictly anaerobic prokaryo...,
What are the 3 major autotrophic ...
27  cards
Ch. 15
What are the 4 unifying themes of...,
Define fermentation,
What are fermentations named after
27  cards
Ch. 16
What is bacterial ph usually main...,
In general what are the 2 main me...,
Describe on method to demonstrate...
62  cards
Ch 19
What are the components of two co...,
Two components systems contain pr...,
What are the 2 domains of histidi...
36  cards

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bacterial physiology (biol 471)

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