biology pmt

This class was created by Brainscape user Orobosa Evans. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (24)

1.1 Cell Biology
What are the two types of cells,
What are the differences between ...,
What is the prokaryotic cell comp...
58  cards
1.2 Cell divison
What are chromosomes made up of,
What is a gene,
How many chromosomes are found in...
17  cards
1.3 Transport in cells
What is diffusion,
What three main factors affect th...,
Give examples of substances trans...
14  cards
2.1 Principles of Organisation
Principles of organisation
4  cards
2.2 Animal Tissues, organ and systems
What is the main function of the ...,
What is the role of the pancreas ...,
What is the role of the stomach i...
94  cards
2.3 - Plant tissues, Organs and Systems
How is palisade mesophyll tissue ...,
How is epidermal tissue adapted f...,
How is spongy mesophyll tissues a...
17  cards
3.1 Communicable diseases
What is a communicable disease,
What is a pathogen,
How do bacteria cause bacteria
48  cards
3.2 Monoclonal Antibodies
0  cards
3.3 Plant Disease
How do aphids cause damage to plants,
How can we reduce the number of a...,
Why do plants need a good supply ...
9  cards
4.1 Photosynthesis
0  cards
4.2 Respiration
0  cards
5.1 Homeostasis
0  cards
5.2 Human Nervous system
What is the function of the nervo...,
How does a stimulus lead to a res...,
What sequence of events describes...
7  cards
5.3 Hormonal Coordination in humans
Give the name of the body s coord...,
What is a hormone,
What type of organ secretes hormones
35  cards
5.4 Plant Hormones
0  cards
6.1 Reproduction
What is sexual reproduction,
What are gametes,
What is meiosis
38  cards
6.2 Variation and Evolution
What is variation,
What are the two causes of variat...,
What is genetic variation
27  cards
6.3 Genetics & Evolution
State two kinds of evidence used ...,
How are fossils formed,
Why are there few traces of early...
13  cards
6.4 Classification
What are the classes of organisms...,
What features are living creature...,
What is the binomial system of na...
9  cards
7.1 Adaptations Interdependence and Competition
State the levels of organisation ...,
What is an ecosystem,
State the factors that plants may...
22  cards
7.2 Organisation of Ecosystems
Define population,
Define habitat,
Define community
38  cards
7.3 Biodiversity
1  cards
7.4 Trophic Levels
0  cards
7.5 Food Production
1  cards

More about
biology pmt

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