This class was created by Brainscape user Alicia Vanmepp. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

neuro - (physiology and electrical activity)
What are the three parts of a neuron,
Central nervous system consists of,
2 types of cells in the nervous s...
72  cards
central nervous system
Grey matter of the cns contains 2,
White matter contains 1,
White matter is located
35  cards
cardiovascular system
Arteries arterioles and capillari...,
Venules and veins carry blood goi...,
What are the 3 layers that make u...
89  cards
digestive system
Digestion breaks large molecules ...,
What is motility,
What are the four layers of the a...
116  cards
cardio-respiratory system
What are the 3 functions of the r...,
What s the role of the pulmonary ...,
Why is there a large number of
51  cards
endocrine system - Feb 8th & 15th
Who was claude bernard,
Who was walter canon,
What does homeostatic control rel...
98  cards
reproduction - March 5th & 7th
What are the four phases of gamet...,
What are primordial germ cells pgcs,
What is the function of spermatog...
79  cards
endocrine - Feb 27th to 29th
Where is calcium found,
What is calcium stored as in bone...,
How do you calculate total body c...
73  cards
reproduction - march 12th
What is the broad ligament what d...,
What do the ovaries do,
What produces the hormones secret...
40  cards
Textbook (endocrine and reproduction) - ALL
What does the integration centre do,
What parts of the body encompass ...,
What are antagonistic effectors
86  cards
blood and the immune system
What makes up the innate immune s...,
What does the humoral theory state,
What did galen do
120  cards
renal system
Where is adh vasopressin synthesi...,
How is plasma osmolality affected...,
How does over hydration affect pl...
55  cards

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