This class was created by Brainscape user Catherine Sammut. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (33)

Chap 1
1 when was the first national org...,
2 how many continuing education u...,
3 athletic trainers must report t...
24  cards
Chap 2
1 true false when compared to lic...,
2 ____________________ is a holis...,
3 define and explain the relevanc...
23  cards
Chap 3
1 the o in pico stands for what a...,
2 information that has been resea...,
3 an example of an unfiltered res...
20  cards
Chap 4
1 the ____________________ model ...,
2 the starting point when develop...,
3 __________________ is the share...
26  cards
Chap 5
1 well being includes which of th...,
2 which of the following would be...,
3 which of the following are resp...
35  cards
Chap 6
1 fatigue dizziness confusion rap...,
2 the most important factor for d...,
3 an athlete is not sweating appe...
28  cards
Chap 7
1 which health care professionals...,
2 when using the oars patient cen...,
3 which of the following is not a...
23  cards
Chap 8
1 what type of injury is likely t...,
2 what shoe characteristics shoul...,
3 the air bladder in a football h...
20  cards
Chap 9
1 the use of __________ prior to ...,
2 application of elastic wraps sh...,
3 in removing nonelastic tape it ...
36  cards
Chap 10
1 what are the three phases in th...,
2 what is the significance of vas...,
What is the significance of the a...
35  cards
Chap 11
1 according to the ncaa which of ...,
2 which of the following best ill...,
3 which of the following best ill...
59  cards
Chap 12
1 during initial evaluation of an...,
2 a bluish cast seen in the mucou...,
3 which of the following would re...
49  cards
Chap 13
1 conduction occurs during the ap...,
2 the transfer of energy between ...,
3 cold therapy is the modality of...
42  cards
Chap 14
In designing an individualized th...,
Which of the following is not con...,
3 what is the optimal time for be...
53  cards
Chap 15
1 a subcutaneous injection of dex...,
2 the bioavailability of a drug i...,
3 which of the following usually ...
52  cards
Chap 16
1 the sesamoid bones at the first...,
2 the muscles in the deep posteri...,
The _________ muscle is the prima...
80  cards
Chap 17
1 which of the following is a fun...,
2 anteromedial instability indica...,
3 posterior knee swelling may ind...
66  cards
Chap 18
1 the sacroiliac joints area syno...,
2 a decreased angle between the f...,
3 the _____ bursa provides a cush...
83  cards
Chap 19
1 after receiving a blow to the s...,
2 dead arm syndrome is associated...,
3 an individual reports numbness ...
63  cards
Chap 20
1 forearm pronation and supinatio...,
2 the carrying angle ranges from ...,
3 an athlete has sustained a prox...
81  cards
Chap 21
1 rupture of the extensor tendon ...,
2 a softball catcher is complaini...,
3 in what position should the wri...
66  cards
Chap 22
1 when the body is in an upright ...,
2 a bilateral separation in the p...,
3 a loss of ceretrospinal fluid a...
52  cards
Chap 23
1 the functional unit of the spin...,
2 the vertebrae that consists of ...,
3 the cumulative range of motion ...
61  cards
Chap 24
1 the outermost of the meninges c...,
Which of the following statements...,
3 which of the following cranial ...
89  cards
Chap 25
1 the most frequently fractured b...,
2 contusions and fractures to the...,
3 mcburney point is associated wi...
81  cards
Chap 26
In sports participation anemia co...,
2 in the female athlete iron defi...,
3 an athlete has been diagnosed w...
69  cards
Chap 27
1 the pain sensitive structures a...,
2 which of the following is not a...,
3 which of the following is not c...
49  cards
Chap 28
Which of the following is typical...,
2 individuals suffering from all ...,
Wheezing is most often associated...
55  cards
Chap 29
1 following consumption of an off...,
2 upper gi pain with no definite ...,
3 which of the following is not a...
46  cards
Chap 30
The hormones produced by the thyr...,
2 hyperthyroidism is caused by ov...,
Which of the following is not a s...
61  cards
Chap 31
1 athletes with cerebral palsy mo...,
2 a lesion to the neural elements...,
3 an example of a congenital spin...
51  cards
Chap 32
Childhood diseases can be prevent...,
2 childhood viral diseases that c...,
Diphtheria and tetanus shots shou...
53  cards
Chap 33
1 topical therapies for acne incl...,
2 acne that occurs during premens...,
3 sports participation is contrai...
58  cards

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