This class was created by Brainscape user Yenie Rice. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (24)

Ethics and Trust in the Investment Profession
Which of the following statements...,
Which of the following statements...,
Characteristics of professions
20  cards
Standard I(A)
What is standard i a,
Explain standard i a,
Reside in ns business in ls
14  cards
Standard I(B)
What is standard i b,
Explain standard i b,
Sell side research buy side clients
7  cards
Standard I(C)
What is standard i c,
Explain standard i c,
Performance reporting violations
8  cards
Standard I(D)
What is standard i d,
Explain standard i d,
Prohibited acts
4  cards
Standard II(A)
What is standard ii a
14  cards
Standard II(B)
What is standard ii b,
Explain standard ii b,
Impact of market manipulation
7  cards
Standard III(A)
What is standard iii a,
Explain standard iii a,
Application of loyalty prudence a...
8  cards
Standard III(B)
What is standard iii b,
Explain standard iii b,
Objective of standard iii b
5  cards
Standard III(C)
What is standard iii c,
Explain standard iii c,
Developing ips
5  cards
Standard III(D)
What is standard iii d,
Explain standard iii d
2  cards
Standard III(E)
What is standard iii e,
Explain standard iii e,
What to ask before disclosure
4  cards
Standard IV(A)
What is standard iv a,
Explain standard iv a,
3  cards
Standard IV(B)
What is standard iv b,
Explain standard iv b,
3  cards
Standard IV(C)
What is standard iv c,
Explain standard iv c,
Code of ethics or compliance proc...
4  cards
Standard V(A)
What is standard v a,
Explain standard v a,
Secondary vs third party research
4  cards
Standard V(B)
What is standard v b,
Explain standard v b
2  cards
Standard V(C)
3  cards
Standard VI(A)
What is standard vi a,
Explain standard vi a,
Basic cois
4  cards
Standard VI(B)
What is standard vi b,
Explain standard vi b,
3  cards
Standard VI(C)
What is standard vi c,
Explain standard vi c
2  cards
Standard VII(A)
What is standard vii a,
Explain standard vii a,
3  cards
Standard VII(B)
What is standard vii b,
Explain standard vii b
2  cards

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cfa - eps

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