This class was created by Brainscape user Jiya Mulgi. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

Introduction- 3rd
What are good observations to mak...,
What are good observations to mak...,
What are the two categories for c...
54  cards
Atomic Structure - 3rd
What is the relative mass of a pr...,
What is the relative mass of a ne...,
What is the relative mass of an e...
20  cards
Ions and Ionic bonding - 3rd
How do metals tend to do to get a...,
What is the loss of electrons called,
What is the gain of electrons called
21  cards
Acids and Alkalis - 3rd
What is the ph for acids,
What is the ph for neutral,
What is the ph for alkaline
65  cards
Metals - 3rd
What is the structure of a metal,
What is metallic bonding,
How strong is metallic bonding
63  cards
Separating Techniques - 3rd
What are the separating techniques,
What is filtration,
What is crystallisation
9  cards
Covalent Bonding - 4th
What happens when non metal atoms...,
How can you work out which non me...,
How many pairs of electrons can m...
19  cards
Halogens - 4th
What are halogens,
State the formula colour state an...,
State the formula colour state an...
23  cards
Collision Theory - 4th
When can a chemical reaction only...,
What is activation energy,
What will happen to particles whi...
36  cards
Moles - 4th
What is relative formula mass,
How is rfm calculated,
Calculate the rfm for h20
34  cards
Organics 1 - 4th
What is crude oil,
Why do we need to separate crude oil,
What is each fraction of crude oil
81  cards
Organics 1 (crude oil and fractional distillation only) - 4th
What is crude oil,
What is each fraction of crude oil
16  cards
Chemical tests - 4th
How do you test for hydrogen meth...,
How do you test for oxygen method...,
How do you test for the presence ...
26  cards
What are good observations to mak...,
What are good observations to mak...,
What are the two categories for c...
55  cards
atomic structure
What is the relative mass of a pr...,
What is the relative mass of a ne...,
21  cards
ions + ionic bonding
How do metals tend to do to get a...,
What is the loss of electrons called,
What is the gain of electrons called
21  cards
acids and alkalis
What is the ph for acids,
What is the ph for neutral,
What is the ph for alkaline
65  cards
metals and metallic bonding
What is the structure of a metal,
What is metallic bonding,
How strong is metallic bonding
64  cards
separating techniques
What are the separating techniques,
What is filtration,
What is crystallisation
8  cards
covalent bonding
What happens when non metal atoms...,
How can you work out which non me...,
How many pairs of electrons can m...
18  cards
collision theory
When can a chemical reaction only...,
What is activation energy,
What will happen to particles whi...
36  cards

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gcse chemistry

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