world of the hero

This class was created by Brainscape user anaya pala. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

the aeneid gods
Which goddess caused aeneas and h...,
Why did juno want to do this,
Which god commands fate
23  cards
the iliad women
Who is agamemnon s war prize,
What is briseis characterisation,
What is briseis described as doin...
28  cards
the iliad characters
42  cards
the iliad themes
How do the characters emerge as w...,
What does paris get for not fighting,
What does achilles get for fighting
32  cards
mortal women in the aeneid
Who is dido,
Who is dido compared to who is th...,
How is dido characterised
38  cards
augustan propaganda in the aeneid
What does jupiter s speech in boo...,
Who was ruling italy when the aen...,
What sort of time was the aeneid ...
19  cards
the iliad scholars/critics
What question does ev rieu say th...,
What does ev rieu say about the h...,
What does aristotle call achilles...
12  cards
the aeneid scholars/critics
What does edwards say about women,
What does morgan say about lavinia,
What doe griffin say about the fo...
7  cards
minor characters in the iliad
Who is paris,
What is paris role,
How do others view paris
62  cards
kleos/timē in the iliad
What are achilles two fates,
How do we see hector s regard for...,
Why is achilles crying in b1
10  cards
death/mortality in the iliad
What does achilles say to thetis ...,
What does achilles say about dyin...,
What does achilles say in b18 abo...
27  cards
reconciliation in the iliad
Who does agamemnon send to achill...,
What does odysseus offer achilles,
What does odysseus tell achilles ...
20  cards
fate + gods in the iliad
How does apollo intervene in b1,
What does ev rieu say about zeus ...,
What is achilles fate
26  cards
family in the iliad
How are agamemnon menelaus related,
Who are achilles parents,
Why did zeus make thetis marry a ...
19  cards
family in the aeneid
What does venus work about in book 1,
How are hector aeneas related,
What does hector tell aeneas to d...
33  cards
pietas + furor in the aeneid
What does west say aeneas does in...,
What did anchises refuse to do,
What does aeneas say about death ...
16  cards
aeneid similies
Neptune calming the storm,
Carthage being built,
14  cards

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world of the hero

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