clinical science

This class was created by Brainscape user Brittany Christmas. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

What is teratogenesis,
What are the five principles of t...,
Approximately 31 of fertilization...
112  cards
Genetics intro
Who was the australian monk and f...,
Before gregor mendel how did scie...,
What were the results of the dna ...
83  cards
"Degenerative" Genetic Diseases
What is the name for skills that ...,
What is it called when someone is...,
What may be an indicator of reduc...
171  cards
Genetics of Cardiovascular and Hematologic Disease
What are the two pathways associa...,
The activation of what factor ini...,
What allows you to stop bleeding ...
177  cards
Hereditary Genetics Syndromes
Which cancers have genetic linkages,
What is the most common cancer in...,
What is the second most deadly ca...
86  cards
Microbiology Refresher - Bacteria
Lobar bacteria is most likely wha...,
What are the 3 questions to ask w...,
What type of cell has a cytoplasm...
106  cards
Microbiology Refresher - Viruses and Fungi
What are the single most importan...,
What is going to expose us to new...,
What describes what happened arou...
96  cards
Parasitic Infections
What is an organism that lives on...,
What are the different types of p...,
What are different endoparasites
80  cards
In a study the patient s diagnosi...,
Greek root for white,
What occurs when you have insuffi...
169  cards
Serum Iron
What are protein that serve as ch...,
What promotes interactions and co...,
Cytokines can be made by multiple...
80  cards
Serum Proteins
What are the three main types of ...,
What are the different globulins,
What are the different alpha and ...
79  cards
The Complete Metabolic Panel (CMP)
What are common indications of th...,
Using the cmp for monitoring kidn...,
Using the cmp is important for mo...
142  cards
Metabolic and Cardiac Diagnostic Labs
Diabetes is a disorder of the cells,
What is the normal function of pa...,
Which type of diabetes is an acut...
111  cards
Labs of Inflammation and Autoimmune Disease
Describe false positive describe ...,
Tests that are sensitive give you...,
Describe sensitivity a test with ...
82  cards
Infectious Disease 1
If you look in a throat and there...,
What is strep throat caused by wh...,
If a person presents with a fever...
81  cards
Infectious Disease 2
What are the 5 main organisms tha...,
Which infection is often associat...,
Which infection rarely causes sym...
79  cards
Bacterial Presentations
Gram positive white exodase anter...,
Gram positive swollen lymph nodes...,
Gram negative common in copd otit...
38  cards
Review Game
What are the names of the spots o...,
A 26 year old pregnant female pre...,
Which diagnostic test may be the ...
58  cards

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clinical science

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