concomitant strabismus

This class was created by Brainscape user Hannah S. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Assessment of Vision in Infants & Children
When are vision levels about norm...,
What are the normal values for vi...,
Describe qualitative assessment i...
16  cards
General Clinical Strategy
What is the prevalence of strabis...,
What are common concerns in children,
What should be asked in a good hi...
16  cards
Assessment of Binocular Vision
What symptoms does bv anomalies c...,
Features to look for when thinkin...,
Describe corneal reflections and ...
8  cards
What is amblyopia,
What are the 2 mechanisms of ambl...,
What does amblyopia look like to us
20  cards
Postnatal Development of Visual Fixation (in normal neonate)
What is included in the visual pa...,
Before dealing with development o...,
What should you expect to see in ...
14  cards
Postnatal Development of Visual Function: Perceptual Development
Describe visual acuity in develop...,
What to bear in mind when testing...,
What age are adult levels of cyl ...
14  cards
Intro to Binocular Vision
Describe binocular single vision bsv,
Describe how laterally placed eye...,
What are the advantages of binocu...
12  cards
Characteristics of Binocular Single Vision
What does development of bsv depe...,
Describe the sensory mechanism,
What happens if you develop ambly...
14  cards
Dyslexia & Visual Stress
What is important to bear in mind...,
What is the incidence of dyslexia,
Which factors would alert you to ...
20  cards
Classification of Heterophoria & Heterotropia
Describe a heterophoria latent sq...,
Describe cover test in heterophoria,
What are all the types of esophoria
44  cards
Clinical Investigations: Assessment of Binocular Vision
What tests are used to test prese...,
What is cover test used for,
What is sensory fusion
20  cards
Convergence Anomalies
What is convergence and what are ...,
What are the differential diagnos...,
Describe convergence insufficienc...
19  cards
Accommodation Anomalies
What is accommodation insufficiency,
Describe accomm and age,
What are the components of accomm...
16  cards
Retinal Correspondence and ARC
Whenn is binocularity produced an...,
What happens when a strabismus de...,
What are the 2 ways in which bv i...
14  cards
What is microtropia,
What is the classification of mic...,
What are the features of classic ...
24  cards

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concomitant strabismus

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