crime and deviance

This class was created by Brainscape user Poppy TIMMS. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

What is crime,
What is deviance,
What is the difference between cr...
4  cards
Functionalist theories
What are durkheim s views on the ...,
What are durkheim s views on the ...,
What are merton s views on the fu...
4  cards
Subcultural theories
How does cohen s 1971 subcultural...,
What is status frustration,
What are delinquent subcultures
6  cards
Control theory
What does hirschi 1969 believe,
What are hirschi s bonds 1969,
How do they explain c d
3  cards
Marxist theories
How do traditional modernist marx...,
What are the four main marxist pr...,
How is capitalist society crimino...
6  cards
Neo-Marxist theories
How do neo marxists explain crime,
How is the ruling class hegemonic,
What is moral panic
3  cards
Interactionist theories (Labelling)
How does labelling explain crime,
What are the four main ideas,
What are the two types of deviant...
4  cards
Feminist theories
How do feminist sociologists expl...,
What does heidensohn 2012 argue,
What are the issues that heidenso...
4  cards
Left-Realist theories
What do left realist theories say...,
What are some of the key issues w...,
What is relative deprivation
8  cards
Right Realist theories
What do right realist theories sa...,
What do right realists think abou...,
What do right realists think abou...
8  cards
Postmodernist theories
How do postmodernists view society,
What is dialectic materialism,
What is dialectic idealism
9  cards
Crime statistics - issues and roles
What are the major sources of sta...,
How is the validity of crime stat...,
How is the reliability of crime s...
14  cards
Crime statistics - victim/self-report surveys
What are victim surveys,
What are self report studies,
Why can victim surveys lack validity
6  cards
Crime statistics - sociological perspectives
New right,
Right realists
8  cards
Crime statistics - trends
What are the trends over the last...,
What are the trends over the last...,
Who seems to be committing the mo...
3  cards
Ethnicity and crime
What do official figures suggest,
Compared with all white ethic gro...,
Compared with all white ethic gro...
9  cards
Gender and crime (women)
What do official figures suggest,
Men are proportionately more like...,
What does carlen 1988 suggest
4  cards
Gender and crime (men)
0  cards
Social class and crime
0  cards

More about
crime and deviance

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