This class was created by Brainscape user Urvashi Rathod. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (10)

Explain why there were changes in the use of capital punishment in the years c1700-c1900
The bloody code,
Change in public opinion
3  cards
Explain why there were changes in the use of capital punishment in the years c1700-present
The bloody code,
Implementation on transportation,
Derek bentley case 1953
3  cards
Explain why there have been changed in the use of prison as a punishment in the period c1700-present
The silent system,
Open prisons,
Prison reformers
3  cards
Explain why there were changes in the crime of witchcraft in c1500-c1700
Matthew hopkins,
Religious changes,
Changing laws on witchcraft
3  cards
Explain why there were changes in the crime of highway robbery in c1700-c1900
Increased trade and travel,
Death penalty,
Growth of banking system
3  cards
Explain why there were changes in the way religion affected definitions of crime in c1500-c1700
Gunpowder plot,
Constant change in religion,
Act of supremacy
3  cards
Explain why there have been changed in the way that government has used prisons c1800-present
Silent system,
Prison reformers,
Open prisons
3  cards
Explain why there were changed in definitions of crime in period c1500-c1700
Oliver cromwell
3  cards
Explain why there changes in law enforcement in towns and cities in c1000-c1700
Population growth,
Thief takers,
Thief takers
3  cards
Explain why there have been changes in crime of smuggling in the period c1700-present
Import tax,
Hawkhurst gang,
People trafficking
3  cards

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crime and punishment 12 markers

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