criminal practice

This class was created by Brainscape user Alex Golding. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Advising Clients About the Procedure and Processes at Police Stations
Explain basic role of custody off...,
What does paragraph 21a of the co...,
List the initial steps the custod...
67  cards
Representing Vulnerable Clients
What are the special categories o...,
What must a custody officer do if...,
What must a custody officer do wh...
8  cards
First Hearings Before the Magistrates Court
Who makes their first court appea...,
List the key principles of the cr...,
Explain how low value shop theft ...
27  cards
Plea Before Venue and Allocation of Business Between Magistrates' Court and the Crown Court
What is idpc,
Explain crim pr rule 94,
What does the idpc disclosed to t...
30  cards
List the three ways a defendant c...,
What is the basic rule with regar...,
Lis the situations where a defend...
35  cards
Principles and Procedures to Admit and Exclude Evidence
Give the two requirements that mu...,
Give examples of situations where...,
Explain the legal burden and stan...
40  cards
Hearsay Evidence and Confession Evidence
What is the statutory definition ...,
How is statement defined for the ...,
List some examples of hearsay evi...
43  cards
Character Evidence
What are the two categories of ch...,
Define good character evidence,
Define bad character evidence
35  cards
Case Management and Pre-trial Hearings
Explain the purpose of a case man...,
How long do the criminal procedur...,
Which form is used to record all ...
49  cards
Trial Procedure in the Magistrates' Court and Crown Court
Explain the normal order of event...,
What is contained in the prosecut...,
Explain how the prosecution will ...
46  cards
Explain the role of the sentencin...,
List the five purposes of sentenc...,
Do courts have to follownthe sent...
83  cards
Appeals Procedure
When may a defendant convicted in...,
Who hears the appeal in the cornw...,
Do the prosecution have any appea...
46  cards
Youth Court Procedure
What is the principal aim of the ...,
What is the extra aim when workin...,
Explain the role of the youth off...
38  cards
2. Bail Applications at Court, First Hearings Before the Magistrates, Plea Before Venue, and Case Management and Pre-Trial Hearings
As defendants have a general righ...,
What are six of the exceptions to...,
Only whom can hear a bail applica...
26  cards

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criminal practice

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