This class was created by Brainscape user Jess Williams. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

Exam 2 Powerpoint
What is cardiac arrhythmia,
Cardiac arrhythmia is influcenced by,
Cardiac arrhythmia can lead to
52  cards
Exams 3
22  cards
STI and other Diseases
How can sti s be transmitted,
What is the cause of gonorrhea,
How is gonorrhea transmitted
30  cards
Allergic Reactions
Define allergy,
What are the common causes allergy,
What are the triggers of allergy
18  cards
Respiratory disease and conditions
Describe the physiology of the re...,
What does the lower respiratory t...,
What is the upper respiratory tra...
58  cards
Part I Diabetes- Endocrine and Metabolic conditions
What is the endocrine system,
What does the endocrine system he...,
What is diabetes mellitus
43  cards
Part II- Thyroid Disease- Endocrine and Metabolic conditions
What is the function of the thyro...,
What is goiter,
What is thyrotoxicosis
29  cards
Part III Adrenal Insufficiency- Endocrine and Metabolic conditions
What is adrenal insufficiency,
What is cortisol,
What is aldosterone
12  cards
Liver and Kidney Disease
What is the function of the liver,
What are the causes of liver disease,
What is cirrhosis
40  cards
Blood Disorders Exam 5
What are the normal blood componets,
What are the normal blood componets,
What are the origin formed elemen...
74  cards
Seizure Disorder Exam 5
What is a seizures,
What are the general characteristics,
What are the primary causes of a ...
35  cards
Neurologic Disorders Exam 6
What are the different disorders ...,
What is cerebrovascular accident ...,
What are the predisposing factors...
36  cards
Autominue conditions Exam 6
What is scleroderma,
What are some notable changes wit...,
What are the clinical presentatio...
30  cards
Physical Impairments Exam 6
What is the difference between im...,
What is the ada defining disabili...,
What is spinal cord dysfunction i...
33  cards
Cancer patients
What is the medical management fo...,
What are the pre treatment dental...,
What is the dental management for...
7  cards
Organ and Bone Marrow Transplantation
What is solid organ transplant,
What is bone marrow transplant,
What are some complication of tra...
12  cards
Mental And Emotional Disorders
What is a mental disorder,
What are the signs and symptoms o...,
What are the medical management
26  cards
Substance Abuse
What is tobacco,
What are some different forms of ...,
What is the risk for tobacco in t...
33  cards
Orofacial Clefts
What is orofacial cleft,
What are the causes of nonsyndrom...,
What are the causes of syndromic ...
9  cards
Fractures Jaw
Http http what are the oral and m...,
What are the causes of a fracture...,
What are the different types of f...
9  cards
Final Exam
Why study patients who presents w...,
What is the overal dental managem...,
What are some dental consideratio...
5  cards

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dh 2

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