elec2130 - circuit design

This class was created by Brainscape user Henry Triff. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Op-Amp Review
What is the differential op amp e...,
What are the ideal op amp properties,
What are the practical op amp pro...
23  cards
Definitions and Overview
Define transducer,
Define signal conditioning,
Define an active circuit
14  cards
Op-amp technicalities
What are the limits of op amps 5 ...,
What makes a system unstable,
How does feedback impact a system...
35  cards
Different Op-Amp configurations
What is this circuit picture10,
What does a capacitor on the inpu...,
What are the applications of usin...
26  cards
CMRR and Differential Amplifiers
Define common mode rejection ratio,
What are common mode signals and ...,
What are the equations for cmrr
21  cards
Selecting the correct op-amp
What are the different types of o...,
What are the 3 types of op a tech...,
What are the properties of a jfet...
5  cards
What are 5 types of filters what ...,
What is a brick wall filter,
What are the 3 phases of a freque...
45  cards
dB conversions
0  cards
Detection circuits
What is the grounded version of a...,
What is the supply version of a c...,
What is the equation for the grou...
38  cards
Digital logic
Define discrete logic,
What are the 2 main benefits of u...,
What are the different practical ...
39  cards
Data connections
Define internal communication,
What are 3 examples of internal c...,
Define external communication
15  cards
Connection standards
Rs 232 synchronous or asynchronous,
Rs 232 full duplex or half duplex...,
Rs 232 how do the clock signals o...
39  cards
Power Sources
What does a power supply provide,
What are the properties of an unr...,
What are the properties of a regu...
43  cards
Circuit Design
What are 7 advantages to using a ...,
What are 3 industries where modul...,
What is the main requirement when...
36  cards
Connection interferance
Define interference,
Define signal,
Define crosstalk
34  cards

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elec2130 - circuit design

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