english->spanish, 8000 most common words

This class was created by Brainscape user Nikita Sokolsky. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Translate that what footnotei kno...,
Translate of from footnotethe que...,
Translate no not footnoteno thank...
500  cards
Translate scene stage footnotethe...,
Translate dress gown footnoteshe ...,
Translate bar pub footnotelet s m...
500  cards
Translate presence attendance foo...,
Translate lover mistress footnote...,
Translate breathe respire footnot...
500  cards
Translate record file footnoteshe...,
Translate capital money footnotem...,
Translate invitation invite footn...
500  cards
Translate you won you earned foot...,
Translate delay setback footnotet...,
Translate fear dread footnotefear...
500  cards
Translate steam vapor footnotethe...,
Translate supervisor overseer foo...,
Translate eternal everlasting foo...
500  cards
Translate play you play footnotel...,
Translate full complete footnotet...,
Translate creepy spine chilling f...
500  cards
Translate duchess duchy footnotet...,
Translate improbable unlikely foo...,
Translate skin hide footnotethe s...
500  cards
Translate excited enthusiastic fo...,
Translate day working day footnot...,
Translate pony ponytail footnotes...
500  cards
Translate entry admission footnot...,
Translate to convince you to pers...,
Translate news program newscast f...
500  cards
Translate uprising revolt footnot...,
Translate act perform footnoteple...,
Translate lets listen let us list...
500  cards
Translate showcase display window...,
Translate cheat deceive footnoted...,
Translate daily everyday footnote...
500  cards
Translate pharmacist pharmaceutic...,
Translate you messed up you screw...,
Translate unconditional unwaverin...
500  cards
Translate random arbitrary footno...,
Translate to die to pass away foo...,
Translate to show you to demonstr...
500  cards
Translate cubicle booth footnoteh...,
Translate sender remitter footnot...,
Translate simulator emulator foot...
500  cards
Translate athletic sporty footnot...,
Translate imprudence recklessness...,
Translate pickle gherkin footnote...
500  cards

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english->spanish, 8000 most common words

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