equine medicine

This class was created by Brainscape user Renee DeAngelis. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (33)

General Evaluation of the Equine Lower Respiratory Tract
How should the normal equine lung...,
Where does the trachea bifurcate ...,
How does the respiratory epitheli...
46  cards
Diseases of the Lower Respiratory Tract
What are the 2 forms of asthma in...,
What is recurrent airway obstruction,
What is the most common etiologie...
28  cards
Diseases of the Lower Respiratory Tract, Pt. 2
What is the etiology of exercise ...,
What are 3 major risk factors to ...,
In what horses is eiph most common
53  cards
Diseases of the Upper Respiratory Tract
What are the 5 major challenges i...,
What are the most common causes o...,
39  cards
Diseases of the Upper Respiratory Tract, Pt. 2
What is the major barrier to resp...,
What is the major way that viral ...,
What are the 4 major causes upper...
35  cards
Diseases of the Upper Respiratory Tract, Pt. 3
What is the guttural pouch what i...,
What are 4 presumed functions of ...,
What causes strangles
38  cards
Evaluation of the Cardiovascular System
How is peripheral perfusion observed,
How is the arterial pulse quality...
36  cards
Equine Cardiac Arrhythmias
What is the most common cardiovas...,
What is atrial fibrillation,
What are the 2 most common causes...
45  cards
Equine Heart Murmurs
Single cardiac murmur,
How is valvular insufficiency reg...,
What valvular insufficiencies reg...
46  cards
Equine Pericardial, Myocardial, & Vascular Diseases
How does pericarditis manifest,
What are the 3 most common infect...,
What are the 2 most common risk f...
57  cards
Hemolymphatic System
What horses have the highest pcv,
What is mean corpuscular volume w...,
What is mean corpuscular hemoglob...
66  cards
Hemolymphatic System, Pt. 2
What 3 conditions are associated ...,
In what horses is there a higher ...,
What can possibly prevent neonata...
51  cards
Endocrine Diseases
What horses are most affected by ...,
What is the normal anatomy of the...,
What cells are present in the par...
25  cards
Endocrine Diseases, Pt. 2
Equine metabolic syndrome vs pitu...,
What 3 criteria are seen in equin...,
What are some higher genetic risk...
33  cards
Kidney Disease
What is the normal water intake o...,
How can a rectal exam be used in ...,
What are the most common ways of ...
41  cards
Urinary Tract Diseases
What is uroperitoneum in what hor...,
What is the most common cause of ...,
What are clinical signs of uroper...
44  cards
Muscle Diseases
Which of the following diseases o...,
What is important to note about c...,
What is myotonia
46  cards
Muscle Diseases, Pt. 2
Etiologies of myopathy and rhabdo...,
What is the difference between rh...,
What is the most common cause of ...
41  cards
Muscle Diseases, Pt. 3
Rhabdomyolysis vs myopathy,
Muscle diseases breeds and genetics,
What history is related to sporad...
31  cards
Equine Neurologic Examination
What are some signs of decreased ...,
What are some signs of increased ...,
What are 3 common causes of seizures
55  cards
Infectious Diseases of the Nervous System
What is the most frequent etiolog...,
What are environmental management...,
What is the lifecycle of sarcocys...
38  cards
Infectious Diseases of the Nervous System, Pt. 2
What are the main 2 groups of mos...,
What geographical area is most af...,
What geographical area is most af...
49  cards
Non-infectious Diseases of the Nervous System
What is the normal sleep cycle in...,
What is the difference between sl...,
What are some environmental facto...
51  cards
Various Issues in Equine Neurology
What is horner syndrome,
What are the 2 most common causes...,
What are the 3 ocular signs of ho...
57  cards
Evaluation of the Gastrointestinal System
What is the most common first sig...,
What general and focused observat...,
What are some cbc and inflammator...
37  cards
Diseases of the Esophagus & Stomach
What is the equine esophagus like,
What are the 3 most common situat...,
What should be asked before treat...
38  cards
Diseases of the Small & Large Intestines
How is the small intestine usuall...,
How is reflux location dependent,
What aspects of fluid are analyze...
46  cards
Diseases of the Large Intestine, Pt. 2
How do si and li obstructions mos...,
Why is,
What bacterial cause of acute dia...
48  cards
Liver Diseases
When are horses naturally slightl...,
What are the major functions of t...,
What are some acute and chronic s...
57  cards
Equine Dermatology
Where is the equine skin thickest...,
What glands are unique about the ...,
What is an ergot
37  cards
Equine Dermatology, Pt. 2
What causes dermatophilosis rain ...,
What lesions are associated with ...,
How is dermatophilosis rain rot t...
48  cards
Normal Foaling Events & Behavior
What are the 3 normal stages of e...,
What kind of offspring are foals,
How long after birth do foals usu...
31  cards
The Sick Foal
What is failure of passive transf...,
What is the most common cause of ...,
What are the 2 main treatment opt...
41  cards

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equine medicine

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