This class was created by Brainscape user Z H. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

By: Z H

Decks in this class (36)

C1.3/4- Separating Mixtures
30  cards
C1.1/2 - Chemical Equations
Symbol equation,
Any chemical reaction has,
Law of conservation
5  cards
C1.5 - History Of An Atom
John dalton theory,
Jj thompson s theory,
Ernest rutherford s model
7  cards
C1.6 - Structure Of The Atom
Subatomic particles,
8  cards
C1.7 - Ions, Atoms, Isotopes
Reactivity of atoms,
General rules of formation of ions
7  cards
C1.8 - Electronic Structures
Electronic shells,
Shell configuration,
Formula to work out number of lec...
4  cards
C2.1 - Development of the periodic table
John dalton s version of the peri...,
Johan dobereiner s version of the...,
John newland s version of the per...
4  cards
C2.2 - Electronic structure
Outer most shell
8  cards
C2.3 - Group 1 - Alkali metals.
Properties of alkali metals,
Why are alkali metals stored in oil,
Reactivity of alkali metals
12  cards
C2.4 - Group 7 - The Halogens, Trends of Group 1 + 7
Properties of group 7 elements,
Fluorine qualities,
Chlorine qualities
21  cards
C2.6 - The Transition elements.
Physical properties of transition...,
Chemical properties of transition...,
Reactions of the transition elements
8  cards
C3.1 - States of matter
Limitations to the particle model,
3 states of matter,
Solid particles
12  cards
C3.2 - Atoms into ions
Why do atoms react,
Covalent bonding,
Ionic bonding
6  cards
C3.4 - Giant ionic structures
Giant lattice,
How are ionic lattices formed
8  cards
C3.5/6 - Covalent bonding + simple molecules
Covalent bond meaning,
Why does covalent bonds happen,
Giant covalent structures
8  cards
C3.7 - Giant covalent structures
Giant covalent structures,
Properties of giant covalent stru...,
Bonding in graphite
8  cards
C3.8 - Fullerenes and Graphene
Structures carbon can form,
Properties of cylindrical fullerene
15  cards
C3.9/10 - Metals + metallic bonding
Metallic bonding,
Metals are,
Process of metallic bonding
16  cards
C3.11/C3.12 - Nanoparticles
1 nm,
Particulate matter pm
28  cards
C4.1/C4.2 - Relative mass and moles
Relative atomic mass,
9  cards
C4.3/C4.4/C4.5/C4.6/C4.9 - Chemical Calculations
Limiting reactant,
Percentage yield
16  cards
Required Practicals
C4 titration equipment,
C4 titration suitable indicator,
C4 titration method
6  cards
C5.1/C5.2 - The reactivity series
Oil rig
13  cards
C5.3/.4/.5/.6 - Extracting metals
Extracting metal depends on,
Metal water observations of recation,
How to check for hydrogen
45  cards
C6 - Electrolysis
17  cards
C7 - Energy Changes
Exothermic eg,
32  cards
C8 - Rate of Reaction + Reversible reactions
Rate of reaction,
Work out rate of reaction,
Method to measure rate of reaction
51  cards
C9 - Crude oil
Crude oil,
26  cards
C10 - Alkenes
Organic molecules,
Functional group
30  cards
C11 - Polymerisation
46  cards
C12 - Chromatography + pure substances
Pure substance,
Identify pure substances
28  cards
C12 - Testing substances
Test for hydrogen positive,
Test for o2 positive,
Test fro co2
39  cards
C13 - History of Earth's atmoshpere
When did the earth form,
How did the early atmosphere form,
Theory of early atmosphere formation
50  cards
C14 - Earth's Resources
Examples of finite resources in i...
48  cards
C15 - Rusting
Oxide layer of aluminium
41  cards
C15 - Haber process
Haber process,
Haber process materials,
Hydrogen from
41  cards

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gcse aqa chemistry

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