This class was created by Brainscape user Miss Patten . Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Exam skills
Brush up on how to answer exam questions for paper 1 and paper 2
14  cards
Who treated people in prehistoric...,
What did prehistoric people belie...,
How did the prehistoric s lifesty...
30  cards
Medicine-Middle Ages
Which former gladiator doctor dev...,
Name the 4 humours,
How would a doctor have treated a...
23  cards
Medicine-The Renaissance
When was the renaissance,
Name one famous artist from the r...,
Which area of medicine did vesali...
25  cards
Medicine-19th and 20th Century-Fighting disease
What is inoculation,
Which surgeon was edward jenner a...,
Where did people first try inocul...
30  cards
Medicine-19th and 20th Century-Surgery
What were the three main problems...,
What is another name for laughing...,
What did humphrey davy discover i...
21  cards
Medicine 19th and 20th Century-Public Health
Which disease caused a large numb...,
What happened to towns during the...,
Why was nothing really done about...
34  cards
Germany- Was the Weimar Republic doomed from the start?
What was germany before 1870,
Who became the leader of germany ...,
When was germany unified
37  cards
Germany Depth Study- The Golden Years - Stresemann and recovery
Who became chancellor in 1923,
What agreement did stresemann mak...,
How did stresemann deal with the ...
19  cards
Germany Depth Study- The rise of the Nazis - How did Hitler become Chancellor in 1933
When and where was hitler born,
What did hitler do in 1914,
Which political party did hitler ...
50  cards
Germany Depth Study- Consolidation of power 1933 - 1934
When was hitler appointed the cha...,
What was the first thing hitler w...,
Who controlled the police in prus...
29  cards
Germany Depth Study- Life in Nazi Germany
How did hitler change the politic...,
What did hitler want to do with g...,
Who was in charge of nazi propaganda
76  cards
Germany Depth Study-Life during World War II
When did world war two break out,
What was one of the first things ...,
What happened to many of the luxu...
24  cards

More about
gcse history

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