This class was created by Brainscape user miryana boos. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

Gravitational potential energy,
Kinetic energy in,
Work done
13  cards
P1 energy stores and tranfers
8 energy stores,
Four ways energy can be transferred,
What is a system
7  cards
P2 energy transfers by heating
What is specific heat capacity,
What does the thermal conductivit...,
3 ways to insulate buildings
9  cards
P3 national and global energy resources
4 non renewable energy resources,
Name 5 renewable energy sources,
What is a nonrenewable energy source
14  cards
P4 supplying electricty
What does a battery provide,
What does mains electricity provide,
What colour is the earth wire
23  cards
P5 eletric circuits
How does a material become charged,
What will 2 objects carrying the ...,
What is an electric field
11  cards
P6 Energy of matter
Why is mass of a substance conser...,
What is the internal energy of a ...,
What is latent heat
12  cards
P7 Atoms
Describe basic structure of an atom,
Describe plum pudding model of atom,
Why do atoms overall have no charge
11  cards
P8 Radiation
3 types of nuclear radiation,
What is gamma radiation,
Which type of nuclear radiation i...
27  cards
P9 Forces
What is scalar quantity,
What is vector quantity,
Example of a scalar quantity
18  cards
P10 Pressure in liquids and gases
What is one newton per square met...,
What is a fluid,
What is unit of pressure
10  cards
P11 Speed
What is the difference between di...,
What is the difference between sp...,
What factors can affect the speed...
12  cards
P12 Newton's law of motion
What does newton s first law say,
What is meant by the term intertia,
What is the resultant force on a ...
8  cards
P13 Braking and momentum
What is stopping distance,
What is thinking distance,
What is braking distance
11  cards
P14 Mechanical waves
What is a transverse wave,
What is a longitudinal wave,
26  cards
P15 Electromagnetic waves
What type of wave are electromagn...,
Explain why em waves are not mech...,
What do em waves transfer from th...
28  cards
P16 Light and Sound
Are sound waves transverse or lon...,
Why are sound waves mechanical,
What is the frequency range of hu...
19  cards
P17 Magnets and electromagnets
1  cards
P18 Induced potential and transformers
0  cards
P19 Space
0  cards

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gcse physics

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