This class was created by Brainscape user Chloe Metson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

costal processes
What s a destructive wave,
What s a constructive wave,
What s longshore drift
18  cards
new Zealand case study
New zealand location,
Key facts of earthquake time date...
7  cards
2022 uk heatwave
Continent of the heatwave,
Country of the heatwave,
Main location of the heatwave
12  cards
typhoon Haiyan
Where was the typhoon,
When was the typhoon,
What category was the typhoon
8  cards
climate change
What are the human causes of clim...,
Why are the natural causes of cli...,
Why does agriculture cause climat...
26  cards
global atmospheric circulation
What happens when air rises,
What happens when air sinks,
What are surface winds
15  cards
hati earthquake
Location of hati,
What plate boundary did the earth...,
What date did the earthquake happen
12  cards
convection currents and plate boundaries
Whats a convection current,
Whats a conservative plate boundary,
What can conservative plate bound...
10  cards
sea defences
Whats rock armour,
Pros of rock armour,
Cons of rock armour
24  cards
Bristol case study
Whats the location of bristol,
What is the importance of bristol 4,
What is the economic pro of migra...
29  cards
Hati earthquake hati location,
Newzeland earthquake nz location,
2022 uk heatwave uk location
12  cards
Rio location,
Local importance 4,
National importace 3
21  cards
the uk
Why is economic chemge in the uk ...,
Whats globalisation,
What does the growth of globalisa...
77  cards
Whats the location,
Whats the redional importance of ...,
Whats the global importance of ni...
50  cards
resource management
Significance of water,
What is most water used ny,
117  cards
What is the question that we are ...,
Why was tolgate picked,
Risks cars example
30  cards
What was being researched,
Why walton,
Risk assesment
27  cards
High stationary,
High stationary country example,
Early expanding
10  cards

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