This class was created by Brainscape user keeley mckechnie. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (37)

Podzols characteristics,
Podzols conditions and processes,
Brown earth characteristics
6  cards
glacial processes
Freeze thaw weathering
3  cards
erosion features
Pyramidal peak
6  cards
depositional features
Terminal moraine
3  cards
edin housing- strategies
Comprehensive redevelopment,
Construction of suburban housing ...,
Renovation through gentrification
5  cards
edin housing- impacts
Comprehensive redevelopment,
Construction of suburban housing ...,
Renovation through gentrification
5  cards
edin transport- strategies
Reduce the number of cars parked ...,
Improved public transport,
Improve cycle access
4  cards
edin transport- impacts
Reduce number of cars parked on c...,
Improve public transport,
Improve cycle access
4  cards
rio transport- strategies and impacts
Improve bus services,
Build new motorways and bridges a...,
Improve the metro system
4  cards
rio housing- strategies
Poor housing and services,
Overcrowding and poor healthcare,
4  cards
climate change- physical and human causes
8 human causes,
9 physical causes
2  cards
climate change- effects and impacts
Low lying coastal areas will suff...,
Low lying coastal areas will suff...,
It is possible for the old and ve...
9  cards
climate change- management strategies and limitations
6 management strategies,
Paris climate agreement,
7  cards
coastal processes
Hydraulic action,
Abrasion corrasion,
Solution corrosion
4  cards
coastal features
Wave cut platform,
Headland and bay,
Sand split
6  cards
consequences of land degradation
4 environmental consequences,
4 social consequences,
3 economic consequences
3  cards
erosion methods of sand in the sahel
4 types of soil erosion by water,
Sheet wash
7  cards
physical and human causes of land degredation
6 physical causes,
8 human causes
2  cards
management strategies of land degredation
More efficient farming methods
7  cards
lake district land use- conflicts and solutions
4  cards
Ox bow lake,
V shaped valley
6  cards
global heat budget
7 factors affecting the global he...
1  cards
atmospheric and oceanic circulation
4 steps in the global transfer of...,
Atmospheric circulation,
Oceanic circulation
3  cards
factors affecting pressure and wind patterns
Coriolis effect,
Rossby waves,
Jet streams
6  cards
6 characteristics and impacts of ...
1  cards
distribution of energy
2 ways politics influences distri...
1  cards
energy demand
Energy demand
1  cards
energy consumption in developed and developing countries
Reasons developed countries are c...,
Reasons developing countries are ...
2  cards
non- renewable energy
5 positives of oil,
8 negatives of oil
2  cards
renewable energy
7 positives of wind power,
7 negatives of wind power
2  cards
data collection- methods
8 methods of data gathering,
Civil registration,
National insurance records
9  cards
data collection- problems
8 problems with data collection,
Language barriers,
Literacy levels
9  cards
population pyramids
5 reasons birth rates are low in ...,
6 reasons death rates are low in ...,
6 reasons birth rates are high in...
4  cards
impacts of migration
9 impacts of migration on donor c...,
8 impacts of migration of host co...
2  cards
migration- causes
3 push factors for migration from...,
4 pull factors for migration from...,
4 push factors for migration from...
3  cards
migration- impacts on countries
8 impacts of migration on host co...,
2 impacts of migration on donor c...,
8 impacts of migration on host co...
4  cards
migration- impacts on migrants
4 problems migrants face india to...,
2 problems migrants face ukraine ...
2  cards

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