This class was created by Brainscape user Aimee Love. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

What are the difficulties in tryi...,
What is it better to think about ...,
What are the six neurocognitive d...
58  cards
Define fall,
What of community dwellers 60 fal...,
What of community dwellers 80 fal...
20  cards
Why is incontinence an important ...,
In which groups of people is urin...,
Is incontinence a symptom or a di...
44  cards
Physiology Of Aging
Why is there an ongoing demograph...,
Why are people able to live longe...,
What are the consequences of havi...
24  cards
Comphrensive Geriatric Assessment
That does age related decline lea...,
What is frailty,
What is involved in the illness t...
28  cards
Drugs and Polypharmacy
Define polypharmacy,
How many different drugs do you n...,
What of adrs are preventable
41  cards
Y4 - Nutritional Care
What are the groups of reasons wh...,
Give examples of what make lead t...,
Give examples of issues with food...
46  cards
Y4 - Rehabilitation Medicine
What is encompassed by the defini...,
Why is the impact of a disease ve...,
What ladder structure is used in ...
16  cards
Y4 - Atypical Presentations
State some reasons why elderly pa...,
Elderly patients often present di...,
How do older people commonly pres...
5  cards
Y4 - Occupational Therapy
Define occupational therapy,
What is involved in an ot assessment,
What does activity assessment inv...
4  cards
Y4 - Social Work
What is care management,
What does care management involve,
Define delayed discharge
7  cards
Y4 - Lecture Notes
State some reasons why the popula...,
State some impacts of an ageing p...,
Name some social aspects of ageing
78  cards
Passmedicine Questions
In which groups of people do pres...,
Where to pressure ulcers most com...,
What factors predispose to the de...
82  cards

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Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Aimee Love's Geriatrics flashcards for their University of Aberdeen class now!

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