gross iii final

This class was created by Brainscape user Kevin Yurkish. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Pelvis and Perineum
What are the functions of the bon...,
When do the ilium ischium and pub...,
Review bony landmarks of pelvis
52  cards
Male Urogenital Triangle
What does the root of the penis c...,
What attaches to the internal sur...,
What muscle surrounds the crura o...
30  cards
Female Urogenital Triangle
What are the functions of the vul...,
What is the mons pubis,
What is the labia majora
54  cards
Prostate cancer/ Bulbourethral glands
What age group for men is most co...,
What is prostate cancer usually a...,
How will the prostate feel during...
11  cards
Female Internal Genital Organs: Vagina
What are the female internal geni...,
What is the vagina,
What surrounds the vagina superiorly
22  cards
What is the uterus,
What general structures make up t...,
What structures make up the body ...
69  cards
Uterine tubes
What is the function of the uteri...,
True false the uterine tubes posi...,
What are the uterine tubes
24  cards
What are the ovaries,
How are the ovaries suspended,
What are prepubertal ovaries cove...
15  cards
What is the rectum,
Where is the rectum located,
Rectosigmoid junction located ant...
47  cards
Ischioanal Fossae
What is the ischioanal fossae and...,
What is the ischioanal fossae fil...,
Where do the two fossae communicate
35  cards
Pelvic Arteries
What is the main artery of pelvis,
Internal iliac a indirectly suppl...,
The internal iliac a branches from
52  cards
Pelvis Somatic Nerves
The obturator nerve is part of wh...,
Obturator n arises from which lum...,
Obturator n enters the pelvis where
36  cards
Pelvic Autonomic Nerves
What does the sympathetic system ...,
How many ganglia usually comprise...,
The sacral sym trunk is an ______...
24  cards
Pelvic Viscera
The ureter is a 25 30 cm muscular...,
What is the function of the ureter,
How is urine moved every 15 secon...
88  cards
Male Internal Genital Organs
What begins at the tail of epidid...,
Does the ductus deferens have a t...,
The ductus deferens ascends in __...
64  cards

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gross iii final

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