This class was created by Brainscape user Caitlin Brookes. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Structure of DNA
What are the subunits of dna called,
What do nucleotides consist of,
What are the two base pairs and w...
10  cards
Replication of DNA
What is dna replicated by,
What does dna polymerase need to ...,
What is a primer
12  cards
Gene Expression
What types of rna are involved in...,
Describe rna,
What does mrna do
12  cards
Cellular differentiation
What is cellular differentiation,
What are meristems and stem cells,
Describe embryonic cells
7  cards
The Structure of the Genome
What is the genome,
What does the eukaryotic genome m...,
What are dna sequences that code ...
4  cards
What are mutations,
What are single gene mutations,
Name the three types of nucleotid...
15  cards
What is evolution,
What is natural selection,
Name the three types of selection...
13  cards
Genomic Sequencing
How are base sequences identified,
What is required to compare seque...,
What is revealed in the compariso...
11  cards
Metabolic Pathways
What are metabolic pathways,
Name the two types of reactions w...,
Describe anabolic reactions
12  cards
Cellular Respiration
What is glycolysis,
Describe atp s involvement in cel...,
What happens to pyruvate in aerob...
16  cards
Metabolic Rate
Name different measurements which...,
What do organisms with high metab...,
Describe the metabolic rates in d...
7  cards
Food supply, plant growth and productivity
What is food security,
How does the population affect fo...,
Describe the problems facing food...
11  cards
Plant and Animal Breeding
How does bre,
Describe how they are designed,
Why do breeders inbreed crops and...
8  cards

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higher biology

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