This class was created by Brainscape user Adam Stirling. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

What were the causes of WW1?
What war happened in 1870 and fin...,
Why did the franco prussian war h...,
How much money did france have to...
26  cards
What does austria hungary do in r...,
If serbia was attacked who would ...,
What was the schlieffen plan
4  cards
Trench Warfare
Why were planes used in ww1,
What was the use of barbed wire,
How many shots could a machine gu...
8  cards
Battle of the somme
When did the battle of somme begin,
When did the battle of the somme end,
How many britain common wealth di...
8  cards
28th june 1914,
23rd july 1914,
1st august 1914
8  cards
Russian Communism
What is communism,
Who is the tsar in 1917,
What is the okhrana
20  cards
What is fascism,
What where the main concepts of f...,
What is the gestapo
13  cards
The Greenman Family
Where did leon greenman and his f...,
What are the names of his wife an...,
What was leon greenman s business...
12  cards
The Franco-Prussian War
When did germany become a country,
What did otto von bismark do,
Who was the king of prussia
12  cards
French resentment and German nationalism
Why did the french dislike germany,
What is nationalism,
What is patriotism
3  cards
Empires make enemies
As a percentage of the population...,
Why was britain so rich,
What was the purpose of the briti...
16  cards
Who fought and where?
What is conscription,
What happened straight after war ...,
How many people were already in t...
17  cards
What was it like to be in the trenches?
What were communication trenches ...,
How many british soldiers survive...,
What did the upper class become a...
7  cards
How did the Holocaust begin
What are ghettos,
How big was the warsaw ghetto,
When did hitler invade the soviet...
12  cards
How did Auschwitz ever come to exist
For what reason did the nazis tur...,
What type of prisoners did the ca...,
What was the purpose of block 11
10  cards
Jewish Resistance
When was the warsaw ghetto uprising,
What triggered the warsaw uprising,
Who was the leader of the jewish ...
8  cards
Jewish Participation in the War
How many people died in the sovie...,
How many jews fought in the sovie...,
How many jews fought in the polis...
4  cards
Why did the Holocaust happen?
What was hitler s role in making ...,
What does working towards the fuh...,
How did the war help hitler mass ...
3  cards
Naval Arms Race
What happened in 1898 and 1900,
What does arms race mean,
When did britain make hms dreadna...
6  cards

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