This class was created by Brainscape user Sam TheHen. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Explain two consequences of the Gold Rush (1849) for migration
desire to get rich quickly acted as a ‘pull’ factor encouraging over 40,000 people to cross the Great Plains.San Francisco transformed from a small settlement into a city by the number of miners arriving and settling.need to provide services to miners led to increased migration and the founding of mining towns, such as Virginia City. Large numbers of people from around the world heading to California resulted in the non-Native American population rising to approximately 225,000.
7  cards
Write a narrative account analysing the key events of the conflict with the Plains Indians in the years 1862-64. • Little Crow • Colonel Chivington +your own info
By 1862 the dakota sioux tribe le...
1  cards
Explain:The importance of the Plains Indians’ beliefs about land and nature for relations between Plains Indians and settlers.
1862 the dakota sioux tribe led b...
1  cards
Explain:The importance of The Timber Culture Act (1873) for the settlement of the Plains.
0  cards
(1)Source A: From Berlin Diary by William L Shirer. Shirer was an American journalist living in Berlin at the time of the Olympic Games. He wrote this diary entry in August 1936.
The Olympic Games finally came to an end today. Hitler and the others showed up this afternoon for the final ceremony, which continued until well after dark. The Nazis have succeeded with their propaganda. First, the Nazis have run the games on an extravagant scale never before experienced, and this has appealed to the athletes. Second, the Nazis have put on a good show for the general visitors, especially those who are big businessmen.
0  cards
(i) What I can infer:... Details in the source that tell me this: ............... (ii) What I can infer: .............. Details in the source that tell me this:
0  cards
Explain why the Nazis were able to reduce unemployment in Germany in the years 1933-39. (12) You may use the following in your answer: • rearmament • autobahns +own info
0  cards
Were the plains indians ideas abo...,
Why were the plains indians so su...,
Why were the plains indians so su...
54  cards
*Berlin olympic games
Controlling and influencing attit...,
Propaganda and censorship,
The nazi message
13  cards
*Reducing unemployment in Germany
Employment living standards,
Employmentthe german people turne...,
New jobs
15  cards
*The gold rush
The oregon trail from 1810,
The origins of the oregon trail,
The origins of the oregon trailth...
7  cards
Lawless towns
Lawless towns
1  cards

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