history germans

This class was created by Brainscape user Marcushayes 7926. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Establishment And Early Years Of Weimer 1918-1924
Treaty of brest litosk,
Prince max of baden,
Mutiny of kiel
14  cards
Golden Age
Dawes plan,
Young plan,
Success of german industry
15  cards
How Did Naziz Create Dictatorship
Who was behind reichstag fire,
Why was reichstag fire good for t...,
Decree for the protection of peop...
15  cards
Timeline Of Hitler Rise To Power
Hitler elected president,
Reichstag fire,
Reichstag fire degree
13  cards
Treaty Of Versailles
Who was there not germany,
What term was it given by not bei...,
What was the separation of east p...
13  cards
Economic And Social Problems In Germany
How did the government fund the war,
Why did the germans initially pri...,
How many men did belguim and fran...
14  cards
Political Instability And Extremism
Kapp putch 1920,
Spartacis uprising 1919,
How many political assassinations...
8  cards
Economic Develpoments Of The Golden Age 1924-1928
When was the dawes plan finalised,
How did the dawes plan help germany,
When did the french leave the ruhr
10  cards
Social And Cultural Developments In Germany 1924-28
What social welfare reforms were ...,
What was the civil code of 1896,
How many supporters did the leagu...
22  cards
Politics Of Golden Age
How did the spd do,
How did the centre party do,
How did the ddp do
12  cards
Germanys International Postition 1924-28
Who was foreign minister,
What was the locarno pact of 1925...,
Treaty of rapallo 1922
6  cards
The Appeal Of Nazism And Communism
July 1932 nazi,
July 1932 kpd,
What did hitler all a people s co...
14  cards
Hitler Appointment As Chancellor
How did bruning fail as chancellor,
What was unemployment in february...,
What ban did bruning impose
5  cards

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history germans

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