hlsc 120 human anatomy

This class was created by Brainscape user Echo Quinton. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (39)

Term 1 Exam: Chapter 1 Course Objectives
Define anatomy,
There are eleven major sub discip...,
How is the body organized into le...
30  cards
Term 1 Exam: Chapter One Lecture Notes
0  cards
Term 1 Exam: Chapter 3 (Tissues) Objectives
What is a tissue,
Define histology,
What is a pathologist
83  cards
Term 1 Exam: Chapter 5 Integumentary System (from slides)
What are the organs of the integu...,
What are some common skin diseases,
What is another name for the skin
61  cards
Term 1 Exam: Integument/Bone Diagrams
Label the Following diagrams
7  cards
Term 1 Exam: Skeletal Muscle Tissue from Chapter 10/11 Muscular Tissue
Motion is the body is the result ...,
How much of body mass is approxim...,
What are four major functions of ...
38  cards
Term 1 Exam: Cardiac Muscle Tissue from Chapter 10/11
How is cardiac muscle identified 4,
Cardiac muscle contains intercala...,
Cardiac tissue is capable of auto...
9  cards
Term 1 Exam: Muscular System Chapter 11
What three traits are found in al...,
What are the two muscle attachmen...,
How do skeletal muscles cause mov...
22  cards
Cranial Bones (from The Axial Skeleton Chapter 7)
What are the two divisions of the...,
How many named bones make up the ...,
What is the axial skeleton
43  cards
Term 1 Exam: Facial bones (from chapter 7 - axial skeleton)
What are the fourteen facial bones,
What are 5 characteristics of the...,
What are 4 characteristics of the...
10  cards
Term 2 Exam: Chapter 7 Axial Vertebrae
What is the vertebral column,
What are six key functions of the...,
How many vertebrae does a typical...
32  cards
Term 2 Exam: Muscles of the Neck
Where is the head attached to the...,
What four muscles are involved in...,
10  cards
Term 2 Exam: Blood flow through the Head and Neck
What is the direction of arterial...,
What are three major arteries tha...
12  cards
Term Exam 2: Chapter 7 Axial Skeleton Rib Cage
What does the term thorax refer to,
What is the function of the rib cage,
What does the skeletal part of th...
19  cards
Term Exam 2: Breathing Muscles of the Thorax
How do respiratory muscles assist...,
What are eleven important respira...,
Which muscles are included in for...
6  cards
Term 2 Exam: Blood Supply to the Thorax
Where is the thoracic aorta,
What is the azygos system,
What does the azygos system consi...
8  cards
Term 2 Exam: Chapter 8 Pectoral Girdle
What is the primary function of t...,
What are girdles name two,
How many bones are in each upper ...
34  cards
Term 2 Exam: Chapter 8 Upper Limb and Hand
What are the thirty bones in the ...,
What is the longest and largest b...,
Where does the proximal ball shap...
64  cards
Term 2 Exam: The Cardiovascular System
What are the two circulatory systems,
What is the difference between ar...,
Where does the heart lie
44  cards
Term 2 Nervous Supply to Upper Limbs
Which category of nerves supply t...,
What nervous system are spinal ne...,
Spinal nerves associate with the ...
10  cards
Term 2 Lymphatic System
What four components does the lym...,
What is lymph,
What are the lymphatic organs 3
35  cards
Term 2: Diagrams
Label the anterior view of the he...,
Posterior external view showing s...
24  cards
Term 3 Exam: Pelvic Girdle: Appendicular Skeleton
The skeleton of the lower limb co...,
What four bones make up the adult...,
What does the term pelvic girdle ...
21  cards
Term 3 Exam: Gluteal Muscles
Name 11 muscles involved in the m...,
List 11 muscles involved in movin...,
What is the iliopsoas muscle
47  cards
Term 3 Respiratory System
What are the 6 principle function...,
What structures are a part of the...,
What four structures are a part o...
106  cards
Term 3: Innervation of Pelvic Girdle
Which nerve supplies the anterola...,
The _______ is a posterior divisi...,
The _____ is an anterior division...
10  cards
Term 3 Chapter 16 Nervous Tissue
Which two systems are the bodys m...,
What does the nervous system cons...,
The central nervous includes
63  cards
Term 3 Chapter 17 Spinal cord and spinal nerves
The spinal cord contains _______ ...,
The spinal cord is the site for i...,
The spinal cord relays _______ ___
15  cards
Term 3 Chapter 18 Brain
What is the brain in terms of ner...,
What are the four major regions o...,
What are three parts of the brain...
118  cards
Term 3 Exam Cranial Nerves
How many cranial nerves are there...,
Cranial nerves ___ ____ and ____ ...,
Cranial nerves ___ ____ ___ and _...
34  cards
Term 3 Exam: Chapter 19 Autonomic Nervous System
Fill in the flow chart,
Which two centres in the brain ar...,
The ans is a division of the ____...
27  cards
Term 3 Exam: Chapter 21 Special Senses
What is a primary difference betw...,
What are the five special senses,
What three types of cells are fou...
60  cards
Term 3 Diagrams
4  cards
Term 4 Urinary System
The urinary system consists of tw...,
After kidneys filter _______ they...,
What are 6 functions of the urina...
61  cards
Final: Male Reproductive systems Chapter 26
The _____ in males and the _____ ...,
_______ produce gametes and sex h...,
_______receive store and transpor...
60  cards
Term 4 Female reproductive system chapter 26
Female reproductive organs includ...,
The female gonads are the,
A series of ligaments hold the ov...
49  cards
Term 4 Muscles of the Pelvic Floor
Pelvic diaphragm is formed by the...,
Levator ani is the largest most i...,
Ischiococcygeus pulls the coccyx ...
17  cards
Term 4 Reproductive System Diagrams
9  cards
Term 4 Digestive System
What are the two groups of organs...,
Gastrointestial gi tract includes...,
Accessory organs include teeth to...
72  cards

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hlsc 120 human anatomy

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