This class was created by Brainscape user Tyler Dowdall. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Pharm Basics (M1)
What is the actions of a drug on ...,
What is the actions of the body o...,
What is the maximal response of a...
52  cards
Mydriatics and Cycloplegics (M1)
What is the pathway of the sympat...,
What is the pathway of the parasy...,
What is more robust dilation tech...
18  cards
Dyes and Anesthetics (M1)
What emission filter used with na...,
What emission filter used with na...,
What is individual cell staining ...
10  cards
Anti-inflammatories, Steroids (M1)
What are the major types of stimu...,
What is the ultimate goal of infl...,
What is the physiological sequenc...
36  cards
Anti-inflammatories, NSAIDs and Immunosuppressives (M1)
What is the mechanism of action o...,
What are the physiological effect...,
What are the therapeutic effects ...
14  cards
Uveitis (M1)
What are the symptoms of uveitis,
What are the ocular signs of uveitis,
What does mutton fat kps indicate...
19  cards
Hyperosmotic Agents (M1)
What is the mechanism of action o...,
What are the most common indicati...,
What are the symptoms of fuchs en...
6  cards
Anti-Allergy Agents (M1)
What type of hypersensitivity rea...,
What are the three major categori...,
What are the granule contents tha...
6  cards
Dosing (M1)
What are the vanishing preservati...,
What are the vanishing preservati...,
When is a cycloplegic refraction ...
41  cards
Antibiotic Agents (M2)
What are the options for mgd to h...,
What are the four things that can...,
How long is a patient usually con...
70  cards
Antibiotic-Steroid Combos, Antifungals, ans Antiprotozoals (M2)
What is a collection of wbc at th...,
What are the two forms of acantha...,
What are the ways toxoplasmosis i...
17  cards
Drugs of Choice (M2)
What are the docs for infectious ...,
What are the docs for a contact l...,
List each of the fda approved sta...
20  cards
Antivirals (M2)
What is the primary site of antiv...,
Where does the varicella zoster v...,
Where is the zoster virus creatin...
25  cards
Dosing (M2)
What is the dosing for vigamox,
What is the dosing for dicloxacillin,
What is the dosing for iquix for ...
39  cards
Management of Ocular Pain (F)
What are common examples of acute...,
What are the specialized nerve en...,
What are the methods of periphera...
14  cards
Management of Dry Eye and Ocular Surface Disease (F)
What are the omega 3 supplements ...,
What is the treatment steps for a...,
What is the treatment steps for e...
38  cards
Ocular Manifestations of Systemic Medications (F)
How will all ocular effects from ...,
What are the medication types tha...,
What are the medication types tha...
17  cards
Ocular Hypertensive Agents (F)
What is the only universally acce...,
What needs to be documented befor...,
What are the factors that can imp...
20  cards

More about
ii. ocular pharmacology

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